Streda, 13.Február 2019  21:52

ŽILINA – Po takmer 9-tich mesiacoch sa vraciame domov! Vraciame sa na Severnú tribúnu, miesto, kde to celé začalo. Kde sa začalo formovať fanúšikovské hnutie pod Dubňom. V duchu návratu k začiatkom a reštartu fanúšikovskej scény v Žiline, vás všetkých pozývame na Severnú tribúnu. Tradiční kotolníci, sviatoční fans, sympatizanti, bývalí pravidelní návštevníci Severu, jednoducho všetci fanúšikovia MŠK Žilina príďte v sobotu na Sever. Príďte zafandiť, dať si pivečko, pozrieť náš milovaný klub z toho najkrajšieho pohľadu na štadióne – z pohľadu SEVERANA!


Zápas začína 14:00, zraz na tribúne 13:30!




Vstupenky na Sever sú v cene 2,50€ po predložení klub karty, alebo OP. Avšak každý Šošon určite ocení a využije možnosť kúpiť si permanentku na Sever na celú jarnú časť (minimálne 8 zápasov vrátane pohára) len za 10€!! Všetko potrebné vybavíte na pokladni MŠK, ktorá je otvorená vo štvrtok od 14:00 do 18:00, a v sobotu od 12:00.


Ak už máte permanentnú kartu na aktuálnu sezónu, ktorá je na západnej, východnej či južnej tribúne, nemusíte si nič meniť. So svojou aktuálnou permanentkou môžete ísť bez komplikácií aj na sever, turniket vás v tomto prípade pustí.




V sobotu na tribúne budete môcť využiť aj výpredaj ultras shopu, pričom niektoré produkty si budete môcť kúpiť skutočne za pár drobných :-)




V sobotu štartujeme novú éru a každý by mal byť pri tom. Začíname od nuly, s novou víziou a spoločne s MŠK Žilina vytvoríme plne fungujúci koncept pre úspešný klub. Že to Ultras Žilina a MŠK Žilina myslia s napĺňaním tejto vízie vážne, sa môžete presvedčiť sami a to jednoduchým spôsobom – PRIDAŤ SA K NÁM!


P.S.: Na tribúne ja zodpovedný každý sám za seba. Trhanie sieťou, trasenie plotom či hádzanie pív po hosťovskom sektore bolo už viackrát ocenené predvolaním na výsluch, pokutami a zákazmi (naposledy práve po zápase s Trnavou), tak sa všetci vyvarujme podobným prejavom a venujme sa podpore nášho mužstva!




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  20. Napísal Thomasinvex, 5. Júl 2020 7:31:

    n95 mask Both men are in their thirties, one white, one black. Not surprising, the white guy was in for drug use and the black guy was in for dealing. Both are intelligent, thoughtful men. Before you even start the trip, let them know if there could be any problems. Having a customs officer disappointed in you is one things, having your friends disappointed in you is quite another.Don’t be a bonehead: While it should go without saying to leave contraband at home, make sure you don’t pack any accidentally, either. Double and triple check your pockets and usual stashes for any trace of illegal substances. n95 mask [url=https://www.n95maskmaker.com][b]face mask[/b][/url] surgical mask Offer a unique experience, not just a great product. Don’t just focus on your service or product that’s what everyone does. Focus on a differentiated experience. We finally had to admit to each other we were mystified about this thing people call art.I have since talked to literally hundreds of self proclaimed artists and a few publicly proclaimed ones as well, and have asked them in various ways, “What is art and how do I know if it is good, bad or meaningful?”I have yet to hear anyone tell me meaningfully what is and isn’t art. I get answers like, “What do YOU think is art?”, or “Art is what the artist says it is.”, or “Everything is art!”, and even once, “Art is communication!” Well, I guess as an ignorant layman, I have to accept these as accurate definitions, but they sure aren’t helpful.That afternoon though, as we sat beneath that butt ugly, rusty, scrap metal thingy, we decided to form for ourselves only; not to imposed on others and not to offer as accurate; a definition of what IS art. We came up with three criteria;1 It must be man made. surgical mask
    n95 face mask Rarely is the result positive. Its use is simple. Get enough people to get on a bandwagon and anyone who stands out or expresses a difference of opinion will be cowered into following along. “SEXY LAUNDRY” opens on Valentine’s Day Thursday February 14 as Dinner Theatre. It plays every Fri Sat from February 15 through March 9. Tickets are reserved seating only $45 at Uniglobe Courtesy Travel and selling fast. n95 face mask [url=https://www.buyn95masksingapore.com][b]face mask[/b][/url] doctor mask A 56 year old Hyde Park man was arrested on Saturday after attempting to rob a bank in Boston’s Hyde Park with a replica firearm, according to Boston police. On Saturday.An officer working detail at the bank looked through the front doors and saw Whooten holding “what appeared to be an automatic firearm while gesturing to a bank teller to fill a bag full of money,” police said. Police would later find him, and after a number of commands to drop his weapon, discovered the gun to be a replica.Whooten is being charged with armed robbery.A second suspect, 55 year old Richard Berger, was arrested by Milton police in connection the robbery. doctor mask
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  21. Napísal Thomasinvex, 5. Júl 2020 8:28:

    medical face mask This is your opportunity to help out the Art Gallery and get yourself an original piece of artwork at the same time. Local artists and community members have created a series of miniature works x 6″ which are now on display at a local coffee shop and the Terrace Library. Members of the public can view them and place ‘silent’ bids during July. medical face mask [url=https://www.orderthen95mask.com][b]n95 face mask[/b][/url] coronavirus mask Know what to expect, that for sure, the two time Brier winner said. Looked through the stats of what every team has curled against us and it pretty high. We gonna have to have as good a performance tomorrow as we did today to win. It will help in effective removal of dead skin cells. It will give a supple, healthy and younger look to the skin. As age advances, many people experience sagging of skin and wrinkles and these problems will be rightly eliminated. coronavirus mask
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  22. Napísal Thomasinvex, 5. Júl 2020 9:24:

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