Streda, 13.Február 2019 21:52
ŽILINA – Po takmer 9-tich mesiacoch sa vraciame domov! Vraciame sa na Severnú tribúnu, miesto, kde to celé začalo. Kde sa začalo formovať fanúšikovské hnutie pod Dubňom. V duchu návratu k začiatkom a reštartu fanúšikovskej scény v Žiline, vás všetkých pozývame na Severnú tribúnu. Tradiční kotolníci, sviatoční fans, sympatizanti, bývalí pravidelní návštevníci Severu, jednoducho všetci fanúšikovia MŠK Žilina príďte v sobotu na Sever. Príďte zafandiť, dať si pivečko, pozrieť náš milovaný klub z toho najkrajšieho pohľadu na štadióne – z pohľadu SEVERANA!
Zápas začína 14:00, zraz na tribúne 13:30!
Vstupenky na Sever sú v cene 2,50€ po predložení klub karty, alebo OP. Avšak každý Šošon určite ocení a využije možnosť kúpiť si permanentku na Sever na celú jarnú časť (minimálne 8 zápasov vrátane pohára) len za 10€!! Všetko potrebné vybavíte na pokladni MŠK, ktorá je otvorená vo štvrtok od 14:00 do 18:00, a v sobotu od 12:00.
Ak už máte permanentnú kartu na aktuálnu sezónu, ktorá je na západnej, východnej či južnej tribúne, nemusíte si nič meniť. So svojou aktuálnou permanentkou môžete ísť bez komplikácií aj na sever, turniket vás v tomto prípade pustí.
V sobotu na tribúne budete môcť využiť aj výpredaj ultras shopu, pričom niektoré produkty si budete môcť kúpiť skutočne za pár drobných :-)
V sobotu štartujeme novú éru a každý by mal byť pri tom. Začíname od nuly, s novou víziou a spoločne s MŠK Žilina vytvoríme plne fungujúci koncept pre úspešný klub. Že to Ultras Žilina a MŠK Žilina myslia s napĺňaním tejto vízie vážne, sa môžete presvedčiť sami a to jednoduchým spôsobom – PRIDAŤ SA K NÁM!
P.S.: Na tribúne ja zodpovedný každý sám za seba. Trhanie sieťou, trasenie plotom či hádzanie pív po hosťovskom sektore bolo už viackrát ocenené predvolaním na výsluch, pokutami a zákazmi (naposledy práve po zápase s Trnavou), tak sa všetci vyvarujme podobným prejavom a venujme sa podpore nášho mužstva!
60 959 príspevkov k článku “VRACIAME SA NA SEVER!”
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Stránky: « 1 … 320 321 322 323 324 [325] 326 327 328 329 330 … 2439 »
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To comply with the rules, whether provincial or federal, would preclude someone from obtaining a Retail Operator Licence. Owners across the province at least the ones unwilling to risk a future in legal retail appear to be heeding the warning en masse, planning to shutter their stores before legalization comes into force on Wednesday. Since Doug Ford Progressive Conservative government scrapped their Liberal predecessor plans for government run stores in favour of a private retail model, the illegal dispensaries have been offered a route into the legal market. [url=][b]doctor mask[/b][/url] surgical mask This is a tragic day for Terrace and for these residents and business owners. It is to be held Oct. 5, Sunday at 2pm, at the legion. The next thing to look at, then, are the fiduciary duties of the government towards First Nations peoples. According to the AANDC website, the Trust Fund Management System an application used to manage Indian Moneys in Trust. Next time someone says that First Nations peoples are getting a free ride from taxpayers or that First Nations peoples are mismanaging the money the government gives them, step back and share facts with individuals, corporations and government departments who are riding the slammin bandwagon surgical mask.
With 6,767 confirmed cases as of late Friday, South Korea has more coronavirus patients than any country besides China. That high number may in part be a function of the country’s sweeping testing program that involved tens of thousands of people. When balanced against the country’s 44 deaths, the case fatality ratio is less than 0.7%.. [url=][b]doctor mask[/b][/url] n95 face mask Every member of these nations belongs to a house group. These are represented by a life form; Raven/Crow/Frog, Eagle, Killerwhale/Blackfish, Wolf/Bear, Beaver, Fireweed and maybe more. The child carries the crest of the mother, never the father. The Panthers made just six of their 26 3 point attempts.Syracuse went on a 13 2 run to close the half and go into halftime with a 37 21 lead.Pittsburgh applied its usual pressure man to man defense, but it proved to be no trouble for Syracuse.Although the Orange made only eight out of 22 shots from 3 point range, Syracuse successfully counter attacked off the dribble.In the first half, Syracuse made 11 of its 20 shots inside the 3 point arc and also went 12 for 16 at the free throw line.In the second half, Pitt’s defense sagged and the Orange knocked down seven out of 13 shots from outside the 3 point line.Sidibe recorded his career high here at Pittsburgh two years ago, scoring 18 points against the Panthers during his freshman year. Quality local journalism has never been more important, and your subscription matters. Not a subscriber yet? Please consider subscribing to our Orange Insider package.Buy Syracuse Orange gear: Fanatics, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Amazon, LidsBuy Syracuse Orange tickets: StubHub, SeatGeek, TicketmasterRegistration on or use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement, Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement, and Your California Privacy Rights (each updated 1/1/20). n95 face mask
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