Streda, 13.Február 2019 21:52
ŽILINA – Po takmer 9-tich mesiacoch sa vraciame domov! Vraciame sa na Severnú tribúnu, miesto, kde to celé začalo. Kde sa začalo formovať fanúšikovské hnutie pod Dubňom. V duchu návratu k začiatkom a reštartu fanúšikovskej scény v Žiline, vás všetkých pozývame na Severnú tribúnu. Tradiční kotolníci, sviatoční fans, sympatizanti, bývalí pravidelní návštevníci Severu, jednoducho všetci fanúšikovia MŠK Žilina príďte v sobotu na Sever. Príďte zafandiť, dať si pivečko, pozrieť náš milovaný klub z toho najkrajšieho pohľadu na štadióne – z pohľadu SEVERANA!
Zápas začína 14:00, zraz na tribúne 13:30!
Vstupenky na Sever sú v cene 2,50€ po predložení klub karty, alebo OP. Avšak každý Šošon určite ocení a využije možnosť kúpiť si permanentku na Sever na celú jarnú časť (minimálne 8 zápasov vrátane pohára) len za 10€!! Všetko potrebné vybavíte na pokladni MŠK, ktorá je otvorená vo štvrtok od 14:00 do 18:00, a v sobotu od 12:00.
Ak už máte permanentnú kartu na aktuálnu sezónu, ktorá je na západnej, východnej či južnej tribúne, nemusíte si nič meniť. So svojou aktuálnou permanentkou môžete ísť bez komplikácií aj na sever, turniket vás v tomto prípade pustí.
V sobotu na tribúne budete môcť využiť aj výpredaj ultras shopu, pričom niektoré produkty si budete môcť kúpiť skutočne za pár drobných :-)
V sobotu štartujeme novú éru a každý by mal byť pri tom. Začíname od nuly, s novou víziou a spoločne s MŠK Žilina vytvoríme plne fungujúci koncept pre úspešný klub. Že to Ultras Žilina a MŠK Žilina myslia s napĺňaním tejto vízie vážne, sa môžete presvedčiť sami a to jednoduchým spôsobom – PRIDAŤ SA K NÁM!
P.S.: Na tribúne ja zodpovedný každý sám za seba. Trhanie sieťou, trasenie plotom či hádzanie pív po hosťovskom sektore bolo už viackrát ocenené predvolaním na výsluch, pokutami a zákazmi (naposledy práve po zápase s Trnavou), tak sa všetci vyvarujme podobným prejavom a venujme sa podpore nášho mužstva!
60 959 príspevkov k článku “VRACIAME SA NA SEVER!”
Stránky: « 1 … 289 290 291 292 293 [294] 295 296 297 298 299 … 2439 »
Stránky: « 1 … 289 290 291 292 293 [294] 295 296 297 298 299 … 2439 »
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If the current Gov had not gone into deficit financing, thousands upon thousands more people would have been hurt. I do not agree with deficit finanacing, but in this case a lot of good was done for a lot of people. I am surprised Barry, that you take this stance. [url=][b]face mask[/b][/url] Friends and family can be wonderful about offering to babysit, but you may feel guilty about leaving your child, or leaving the volunteer with a child with ADHD. Next time, accept their offer and discuss honestly how best to handle your child.Take care of yourself. Eat right, exercise, and find ways to reduce stress, whether it means taking a nightly bath or practicing morning meditation.
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It is not fair to just provide a quick answer to this question but I will. Please consider reading the entire post on this here. Http:///show8847a27s0x300y1z/MERV_RITCHIE_ON_ENBRIDGE_AND_THE_JOINT_REVIEW_PANEL. The pipeline is a last resort. In the meantime, researchers are also looking at ways of quickly repurposing existing antiviral drugs to see whether any might work against the coronavirus. Paul Stoffels, chief scientific officer of Johnson Johnson, said the company has donated 100 boxes of an HIV medication, Prezcobix, to clinicians in Shanghai to see whether it showed any efficacy against the illness. Purdue University researchers hope to test experimental drugs that were initially developed to fight SARS. [url=][b]surgical mask[/b][/url] surgical mask In the past when there was no cure for TB, smallpox or other such killer diseases people would be in severe panic when any of those broke out, but now they take such diseases very slightly because they know there are dependable preventive and curative treatments. I wonder, why are we not yet succeeding to find preventive and curative treatment against ‘bird flu’ or now ‘swine flu’? Men have conquered land after land and some space planets too as well as lots of inventions and discoveries. No one has died in the UK from it, yet we’re all being complacent? We don’t know much about it, but it could be the next pandemic? Please, for the sake of your children, turn off the TV and worry about something else. surgical mask
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coronavirus mask Cst. DeJong, a veteran of the force with 35 years of service remarked that the arrest was one of the most exciting of his career. Cst. Some of the other Media organizations in Terrace have presented this issue as being a closed matter. It is hardly closed. The Mayor stated that we cannot waste any more time on this issue and must move ahead. coronavirus mask [url=][b]n95 mask[/b][/url] disposable face masks The 22 year old West Bend woman suspected of hitting a pedestrian with her vehicle in Beaver Dam and leaving that man severely injured was arraigned this week in Dodge County Court. Stephanie Goltz pled guilty to the two felonies she charged with. During the January 26th accident on Madison Street Goltz allegedly hit a 33 year old Beaver Dam man then sped away toward Highway 151 leaving him severely injured. disposable face masks
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But Karen Paul of Portland wasn among them she said she knew that the Walgreens just down the street from her office wouldn have the items. Paul works at InterMed, the health care provider, which recently took away the stacks of face masks that used to greet patients as they entered the waiting rooms. The masks were intended for people who were sick, to keep them from spreading germs, but too many patients were taking the masks to use later, she said.. [url=][b]face mask[/b][/url] n95 mask Same thing with Mike Harcourt. Believe a group of MLA’s visited Mike to discuss their wish that he resign in order to make the Nanaimo bingogate scandal go away for the good of the Party. He chose to take the advice but, because it was a private meeting, I do not know if such a meeting took place or who went to see him or what they said. n95 mask
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doctor mask Fate brought this Birmingham couple togetherFate brought this Birmingham couple togetherAfter years of living parallel lives, this meant to be couple got together and planned the wedding of their dreams.This Alabama couple photographs weddings as a teamThis Alabama couple turned a hobby into a successful wedding photography businessEric and Jamie Gay have been shooting weddings as a husband and wife team since 2014.12 days agoBy Lauren HelmerHow to plan the perfect Nashville bachelorette partyHow to plan the perfect Nashville bachelorette partyThis is one Nashville bachelorette party you be able to write home about without any censoring.25 days agoBy Sarah Cook McBrideThis Alabama wedding venue is set on 864 acres of landThis Alabama wedding venue is set on 864 acres of landA local couple went looking for a farm and ended up with a wedding venue in the form of Yellow Branch Plantation. 2020 Advance Local Media LLC. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local.. doctor mask [url=][b]medical face mask[/b][/url] n95 face mask Houston is one state that fall victim to hurricanes. In 2008, Houston and Louisiana were visited by hurricane Ike. Gallons of water piled up and went inland and left thousands of families homeless. Those extra pounds put kids at risk for developing serious health problems, including diabetes, heart disease, and asthma. Childhood obesity also takes an emotional toll. Overweight children often have trouble keeping up with other kids and joining in sports and activities. n95 face mask
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