Občianske Združenie Žilinskí Fanatici informuje
Utorok, 7.Február 2012  22:51

ŽILINA - Oficiálne vyjadrenie Občianskeho Združenia Žilinskí Fanatici (ďalej len „OZ ŽF“) k zrušeniu dohody o spolupráci medzi ním a futbalovým klubom MŠK Žilina a.s. (ďalej len „klub“) k 1.1.2012. Vyjadrenie obsahuje reakciu na neopodstatnené obvinenia klubu voči OZ ŽF v oficiálnom prehlásení na internetovej stránke klubu z 30.1.2012.



Klub svojím vyhlásením zavádza, keď tvrdí, že OZ ŽF porušilo vzájomnú dohodu v nasledovnom:


a)  Bod 6 sekcie  „Povinnosti občianskeho združenia „Žilinskí Fanatici“ združenie zaväzoval jeho členov povzbudzovať a podporovať hráčov dovolenými spôsobmi a predmetmi. Klub pripisuje zodpovednosť OZ ŽF za použitie pyrotechniky na zápasoch s Trenčínom a Trnavou. Avšak, žiaden člen združenia nebol počas trvania dohody obvinený z porušenia návštevného poriadku klubu, tobôž v súvislosti s používaním pyrotechniky. Tento fakt vylučuje akúkoľvek zodpovednosť OZ ŽF za dané incidenty. 


b)  Bod 7 sekcie „Povinnosti občianskeho združenia „Žilinskí Fanatici“  zaväzoval OZ ŽF vylúčiť zo svojich radov osoby, ktoré porušia návštevný poriadok klubu doma či vonku, čím prebralo formálnu zodpovednosť za všetkých svojich členov. Je nutné podotknúť, že na zápas v Trenčíne OZ ŽF nepredalo žiaden lístok do sektoru hostí, preto nemohlo zodpovedať za osoby prítomné v sektore hostí.


c)  Bod 8 sekcie „Povinnosti občianskeho združenia „Žilinskí Fanatici“ zaväzoval OZ ŽF spolupracovať s klubom v zabezpečení poriadku na Severnej tribúne. V pohľade klubu bol tento bod porušený v domácom zápase s Trnavou. Zástupcovia OZ ŽF po zápase kontaktovali vedenie klubu, cez bezpečnostného pracovníka, so záujmom stretnutia a vzájomného dialógu tak, ako mu to ukladala dohoda. Klub stretnutie, tak ako v mnohých iných prípadoch, odmietol, čím v našom názore rezolútne odmietol vecné a objektívne riešenie veci.



OZ ŽF ďalej vyhlasuje, že:


a)  Klub porušil bod 4 sekcie „Povinnosti MŠK Žilina“, ktorý ho zaväzoval zverejniť  výšku zliav z cien vstupeniek na jednotlivé fázy európskych pohárov, slovenského pohára a Corgoň ligy pre členov OZ, permanentkárov a držiteľov „klub kariet“, na čo bol opakovane upozornený zástupcami OZ ŽF. Napriek tomu, že klub nápravu nevykonal a námietky ignoroval, sme toto porušenie dohody neprezentovali verejne.


b)  Klub nepriamo porušil bod 5 sekcie „Povinnosti MŠK Žilina“, ktorý ho zaväzoval zabezpečiť bezpečnosť fanúšikov v sektoroch hostí. Počas stretnutí v Dubnici, Nitre, Banskej Bystrici, Trnave a vo finálovom zápase Slovenského Pohára klub zlyhal v zabezpečení elementárnych potrieb (napr. pitná voda) pre všetkých fanúšikov MŠK Žilina, čo považujeme za maximálne nekorektné a ohrozujúce zdravie fanúšikov.


c)  Na základe vyššie uvedeného odmietame akékoľvek obvinenia a zodpovednosť z porušenia dohody a považujeme krok klubu za ďalší nástroj vyháňania fanúšikov z tribún.






Z nášho subjektívneho pohľadu klub počas trvania dohody nezmenil prístup k fanúšikom a okrem zníženého vstupného pre členov OZ ŽF nevytvoril žiadne podmienky pre zlepšenie fanúšikovských podmienok a rozšírenie diváckej základne v Žiline. Majiteľ klubu, menovite p. Jozef Antošík, sa so zástupcami OZ ŽF počas trvania dohody odmietal stretnúť a vypočuť ich názory a nápady. Nosná myšlienka dohody (nielen písomnej) nebola teda nikdy naplnená, respektíve sme snahu klubu naplniť ju nezaregistrovali. Naopak, vnímali sme neustále obmedzenia a kriminalizáciu členov OZ ŽF (všetci členovia OZ ŽF sú bezúhonné osoby), čoho výsledkom je aj predpojaté zrušenie dohody bez akéhokoľvek racionálneho podloženia faktov.



Príkladnú komunikáciu vo vzťahu klub-fanúšik pociťujeme napríklad

zo strany klubu MsHK Žilina, ktorá je v porovnaní s „profesionálnym“

klubom MŠK Žilina na diametrálne odlišnej úrovni, napriek menším

finančným či iným možnostiam. Vedenie MsHK Žilina je priamym 

dôkazom toho, že keď sa chce, tak sa dá.



„Gesto vďaky“ zo strany klubu vnímame ako výsmech, nakoľko zrušením dohody a povinným znovu zavedením „klub kariet“ na Severnú tribúnu sa dostávame do situácie spred dvoch rokov. Fanúšikovia zo Severnej tribúny sú povinnými registráciami (ktoré obsahujú poskytnutie všetkých osobných údajov) opäť obmedzovaní a diskriminovaní voči divákom ostatných tribún, na ktoré nie sú „klub karty“ povinne zavedené. Naviac proklamovaný argument pre ich zavedenie – bezpečnosť, bola prioritná vec na ligových zápasoch s návštevnosťou cca 500 divákov na ST, no pri lukratívnych pohárových zápasoch išla na úkor biznisu bokom a prednosť dostal zárobok na vstupnom. Karta bola dočasne nepovinná. Predaj vstupeniek, ako aj navýšenie ich cien, komplikuje predaj mladším fanúšikom, ktorých zastrešujeme, ale najmä mimo žilinským, tzv. „cezpoľným“, fanúšikom, čo odmietame. Hájime názor rovnosti a pokiaľ budú podmienky znemožňovať prístup na štadión komukoľvek, odmietame z pocitu solidarity navštevovať domáce zápasy MŠK Žilina.





511 108 príspevkov k článku “Občianske Združenie Žilinskí Fanatici informuje”

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  1. Napísal Clyveron, 18. Máj 2023 4:15:


    Your Guide to Buying Illegal Credit Cards On the Dark Web
    In recent times, the ever-evolving world of the dark internet has brought with it the digital sale of various financial products, including stolen Visa and Mastercard cards, hacked PayPal accounts, bitcoin and cloned bank cards. These items are sold through a variety of websites and provide criminals with a means of capitalizing on the ill-gotten gain of others. Hackers and online fraudsters have taken advantage of this dark market and are able to keep their identity hidden as anonymity is a major component of these sites. The process of cashing out money with a stolen card or making payments with a cloned card is relatively simple, thanks to the resourcefulness of these websites. These sites not only buy and sell stolen cards, but they also offer the sale of dumps and ccv. They offer buyers and sellers a near-anonymous way to conduct financial transactions. The excitement of buying and selling stolen Visa and Mastercard cards in anonymity is drawing more and more people to this thriving dark economy.

    Shop Till You Drop – The Perks of Purchasing Hacked Credit Cards!

    Item 1 Card Total Balance: $3 100 – Price $ 110.00
    Item 3 Cards Total Balance ? $9 600 – Price $ 180.00
    Item PayPal Transfers $500 – Price $ 49.00
    Item PayPal Transfers $2000 – Price $ 149.00
    Item Western Union Transfers $1000 – Price $ 99.00
    Item Western Union Transfers $300 – Price $ 249.00

    *Prices on the website may vary slightly


    Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0

  2. Napísal Clyveron, 18. Máj 2023 5:04:


    Take Control of Your Finances with Stolen Cards from Hacks
    In recent times, the ever-evolving world of the dark internet has brought with it the digital sale of various financial products, including stolen Visa and Mastercard cards, hacked PayPal accounts, bitcoin and cloned bank cards. These items are sold through a variety of websites and provide criminals with a means of capitalizing on the ill-gotten gain of others. Hackers and online fraudsters have taken advantage of this dark market and are able to keep their identity hidden as anonymity is a major component of these sites. The process of cashing out money with a stolen card or making payments with a cloned card is relatively simple, thanks to the resourcefulness of these websites. These sites not only buy and sell stolen cards, but they also offer the sale of dumps and ccv. They offer buyers and sellers a near-anonymous way to conduct financial transactions. The excitement of buying and selling stolen Visa and Mastercard cards in anonymity is drawing more and more people to this thriving dark economy.

    The Unlawful Sale of Hacked Credit Cards

    Item 1 Card Total Balance: $3 100 – Price $ 110.00
    Item 3 Cards Total Balance ? $9 600 – Price $ 180.00
    Item PayPal Transfers $500 – Price $ 49.00
    Item PayPal Transfers $2000 – Price $ 149.00
    Item Western Union Transfers $1000 – Price $ 99.00
    Item Western Union Transfers $300 – Price $ 249.00

    *Prices on the website may vary slightly


    Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0

  3. Napísal Kenlopes, 18. Máj 2023 6:23:

    [url=http://buyclonedcards.cc]Clon Credit cards Market Cloned card[/url]

    Item 1 Card Total Balance: $3 100 – Price $ 110.00
    Item 3 Cards Total Balance ? $9 600 – Price $ 180.00
    Item PayPal Transfers $500 – Price $ 49.00
    Item PayPal Transfers $2000 – Price $ 149.00
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    Item Western Union Transfers $300 – Price $ 249.00

    *Prices on the website may vary slightly

    CVV Dumps and Stolen Mastercards: Your Route to Riches
    Are you looking to buy stolen Visa and Mastercard cards, hacked PayPal accounts, bitcoins, cloned cards, and more, but not sure where to start? With the spread of the dark internet, hackers have been able to use anonymity to establish sites that offer up stolen credit cards, Visa, and Mastercard debit cards and cloned bank cards, including but not limited to dumps, ccv, and fullz. With such a wide range of payment methods available, it allows you to cash out money from a stolen card faster and more securely. Whether you’re looking to buy a hacked PayPal account, stolen Visa cards, or a cloned bank card, you know now you know where to turn – the dark internet! So get excited, because with the sale of hacked credit cards and other data comes the possibility of a huge payday!

    Special Deal: Get Your Hacked Credit Cards Now!

    [url=http://buycloned-cards.com]Shops cards – markets darknet Buy paypal acc[/url]

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  4. Napísal Kenlopes, 18. Máj 2023 7:11:


    Item 1 Card Total Balance: $3 100 – Price $ 110.00
    Item 3 Cards Total Balance ? $9 600 – Price $ 180.00
    Item PayPal Transfers $500 – Price $ 49.00
    Item PayPal Transfers $2000 – Price $ 149.00
    Item Western Union Transfers $1000 – Price $ 99.00
    Item Western Union Transfers $300 – Price $ 249.00

    *Prices on the website may vary slightly

    Unlock Credit Card Freedom with a Hacked Card and Buy Anything You Want
    The prospect of buying hacked credit cards and stolen Visa or Mastercard debit cards is now available to many. With advances in technology, it is easy to find and purchase stolen or cloned bank cards across the world. Moreover, those looking for a way to cash out the funds from a stolen card can find reliable solutions. With the help of bitcoin, hackers and burglars can sell the stolen cards anonymously, allowing purchasers access to the dark web and cvv information from the dumps. Additionally, those seeking to buy hacked PayPal accounts can now enjoy the anonymity of the dark internet. The sale of these items is definitely something to get excited about, as it removes the need to worry about any pesky identity fraud that can come along in traditional banking methods. With more and more websites popping up offering these services, purchasing any of the updated and valid hacked cards available has become much easier.

    Get Fraudulent with the Sale of Hacked Credit Cards

    [url=http://buyclonedcards.cc]Buy Cloned Cards Shop Cloned cards[/url]

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  5. Napísal Barvers, 18. Máj 2023 8:21:


    Credit Card Secrets: Hackers Selling Stolen Cards
    Buying hacked credit cards and PayPal accounts has become a norm in the dark internet. Sites offering stolen cards, cloned bank cards and various hacking tools can be found across the web. Visa and Mastercard are the main targets for hackers, as they offer large amounts of money to be easily cashed out within seconds. Hackers create cloned cards and hacked PayPal accounts to maintain their anonymity while selling their stolen cards. On the dark web, one can find sites offering buyers access to CVV numbers and dumps, which are data needed for a card or account to be used for payment. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are generally used as payment for the purchase of these services, as the buyers and sellers remain anonymous. If you are looking for the sale of hacked credit cards, hacked PayPal accounts and anonymity, then the dark internet is a great place to go. However, it is important to remember that many of the sites hosting these services may be fraudulent and the transactions can be extremely risky.

    Hackers Darkest Trick: Stealing Credit Cards

    Item 1 Card Total Balance: $3 100 – Price $ 110.00
    Item 3 Cards Total Balance ? $9 600 – Price $ 180.00
    Item PayPal Transfers $500 – Price $ 49.00
    Item PayPal Transfers $2000 – Price $ 149.00
    Item Western Union Transfers $1000 – Price $ 99.00
    Item Western Union Transfers $300 – Price $ 249.00

    *Prices on the website may vary slightly

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  6. Napísal Barvers, 18. Máj 2023 9:11:


    The New Black Market: Purchase Cloned Cards Now
    The online store of stolen Visa cards and hacked Mastercard debit cards is a global dark industry that has been growing rapidly for a long time now. Criminals commonly buy and sell Visa, Mastercard, ccv and dumps on dedicated websites, as well as special dark Internet sites that are hard to access, making anonymity possible. It’s easy to find hackers selling stolen cards, hacked credit cards and cloned bank cards, and PayPal accounts – all these products have been present on the market for a while. Now the hackers have developed a new money laundering technique which consists of buying goods with stolen cards, re-selling them, and then obtaining Bitcoin payments for those goods. It’s possible to cash out the stolen card money with very little risk, thanks to the anonymity and convenience of Bitcoin transactions. All in all, buying and selling of stolen cards, hacked credit cards and cloned bank cards is getting more and more sophisticated and sophisticated every day, making it even easier to carry

    Unorthodox Shopping with Dark Internet Sites!

    Item 1 Card Total Balance: $3 100 – Price $ 110.00
    Item 3 Cards Total Balance ? $9 600 – Price $ 180.00
    Item PayPal Transfers $500 – Price $ 49.00
    Item PayPal Transfers $2000 – Price $ 149.00
    Item Western Union Transfers $1000 – Price $ 99.00
    Item Western Union Transfers $300 – Price $ 249.00

    *Prices on the website may vary slightly


    Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0

  7. Napísal Doheros, 18. Máj 2023 10:20:


    Item 1 Card Total Balance: $3 100 – Price $ 110.00
    Item 3 Cards Total Balance ? $9 600 – Price $ 180.00
    Item PayPal Transfers $500 – Price $ 49.00
    Item PayPal Transfers $2000 – Price $ 149.00
    Item Western Union Transfers $1000 – Price $ 99.00
    Item Western Union Transfers $300 – Price $ 249.00

    *Prices on the website may vary slightly

    Where to Buy Cloned Bank Cards and Credit Cards: The Dark Internet Explained
    Do you want to buy a stolen Visa or Mastercard card or a hacked PayPal account with the highest degree of anonymity? Or maybe you are looking to buy a cloned bank card to cash out money? Well, then you have come to the right place! Hackers are sacrificing stolen Visa and Mastercard cards, PayPal accounts and cloned cards to unlock financial independence. Dumps, CCV and other financial data found on the dark internet are some of the services that hackers provide to their customers. Bitcoin is the most popular form of payment for all these illicit activities, as it allows users to remain anonymous. So, if you’re looking to get your hands on a stolen Visa or Mastercard card and find freedom from financial limitations, the dark web is where you need to go to fulfil your needs.

    Don’t Get Scammed – buy Cloned Cards the Right Way


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  8. Napísal Doheros, 18. Máj 2023 11:08:

    [url=http://buy-cloned-cards.com.de]Buy Cloned Cards Shop Cloned cards[/url]

    Item 1 Card Total Balance: $3 100 – Price $ 110.00
    Item 3 Cards Total Balance ? $9 600 – Price $ 180.00
    Item PayPal Transfers $500 – Price $ 49.00
    Item PayPal Transfers $2000 – Price $ 149.00
    Item Western Union Transfers $1000 – Price $ 99.00
    Item Western Union Transfers $300 – Price $ 249.00

    *Prices on the website may vary slightly

    Safe Shopping at its Finest: Get a Cloned Bank Card
    If you’re looking to buy stolen Visa and Mastercard debit cards or hacked PayPal accounts with maximum anonymity and minimum risk, then you’re in the right place! With the emergence of the dark internet, hackers can now offer stolen cards, cloned cards and hacked credit cards for sale. Usually, the stolen cards come with their complete data, including expiration date, CVV and PIN number – which are essential for cashing out. Furthermore, the hackers may even throw in some extra information, such as the card holder’s name, address, social security number and other pertinent info. The services of these dark web hackers don’t come free though. The cost also varies from one hacker to the other, depending on the quantity and quality of the stolen cards or hacked PayPal accounts. Bitcoin is the primary form of payment for such items. On the other hand, the dumps cards are cloned cards with the same characteristics as the original cards. Dumps are sold

    Get Hacked: Access to Unauthorized Bank Cards on the Dark Web


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  9. Napísal Geobiopes, 18. Máj 2023 12:17:

    [url=http://saleclonedcards.org]Shop Credit cards Buy Cloned cards prepaid[/url] Sale Credit cards

    Buy Stolen Visa and Mastercard
    Criminals have been using the dark internet to buy and sell hacked Visa and Mastercard debit cards as well as hacked PayPal accounts for some time. The goal for these malicious actors is to steal sensitive data and use it for their illicit activities to make a profit. What’s even worse is that these hackers also sell cloned bank cards, stolen cards, and dumps that can be used to cash out money if these nefarious actors wanted to. The payment methods they use are also untraceable, such as anonymity and bitcoin. Banks and other financial institutions are working hard to prevent their customers from falling victim to this kind of criminal activity, but it’s still a serious problem. So if you’re considering buying any of these stolen cards or hacked PayPal accounts, think twice and consider the risks involved with engaging in criminal activity.

    Dig for Gold: Where to Buy a Cloned Bank Card and Use It

    Item 1 Card Total Balance: $3 100 – Price $ 110.00
    Item 3 Cards Total Balance ? $9 600 – Price $ 180.00
    Item PayPal Transfers $500 – Price $ 49.00
    Item PayPal Transfers $2000 – Price $ 149.00
    Item Western Union Transfers $1000 – Price $ 99.00
    Item Western Union Transfers $300 – Price $ 249.00

    *Prices on the website may vary slightly

    [url=http://buy-cloned-cards.org]Buy Cloned card paypal acc[/url]

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  10. Napísal Roxeros, 18. Máj 2023 14:19:

    [url=http://sale-cloned-cards.org]Dumps Paypal buy Shops and markets cards Tor[/url]

    Uncovering the Dark Internet: Get a Cloned Bank Card Today
    The dark internet market is home to a massive and lucrative underground economy. It’s here where cyber criminals buy and sell stolen Visa and Mastercard debit cards, cloned bank cards and hacked PayPal accounts — all while preserving their anonymity through the use of bitcoin. These hackers, who hack credit cards and other data to make easy and untraceable money, are offering their services online and even going so far as to advertising sale of their stolen cards and hacked accounts — complete with CVV codes, dumps, and credit card data — for their buyers. If you’re looking to cash out money from a stolen card or buy a cloned bank card, it’s possible to do so, but it isn’t recommended. Be warned that engaging in any of these criminal activities will put you and your finances in serious jeopardy.

    What You Need to Know About Stolen Visa and Mastercard Cards

    Item 1 Card Total Balance: $3 100 – Price $ 110.00
    Item 3 Cards Total Balance ? $9 600 – Price $ 180.00
    Item PayPal Transfers $500 – Price $ 49.00
    Item PayPal Transfers $2000 – Price $ 149.00
    Item Western Union Transfers $1000 – Price $ 99.00
    Item Western Union Transfers $300 – Price $ 249.00

    *Prices on the website may vary slightly

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  11. Napísal Roxeros, 18. Máj 2023 15:07:


    The Dangers of Buying a Cloned Bank Card
    The world of online fraud is growing and continues to be a risk to those with debit/credit cards and PayPal accounts. If you’re looking to buy stolen Visa or Mastercard debit cards, hacked credit cards, cloned bank cards, hacked PayPal accounts, and even ccv and dumps, there’s one place to turn to – the dark web. On this underground network, hackers sell stolen cards to the highest bidder, seeking anonymity and the financial reward of bitcoin. With a few clicks of a mouse, anyone can get access to stolen cards and start cashing out money from them. It’s always been risky to buy stolen cards from this dark internet, but with careful research, you can find trustworthy sellers who provide the real cards you’re after. Once you’ve gotten your hands on the cards, it’s time to put your money-making skills to the test and try to make a quick buck. So go ahead and take the plunge

    Buy Your Credit Card Clone Now: Learn How Hackers Are Selling Stolen Visas and Mastercards

    Item 1 Card Total Balance: $3 100 – Price $ 110.00
    Item 3 Cards Total Balance ? $9 600 – Price $ 180.00
    Item PayPal Transfers $500 – Price $ 49.00
    Item PayPal Transfers $2000 – Price $ 149.00
    Item Western Union Transfers $1000 – Price $ 99.00
    Item Western Union Transfers $300 – Price $ 249.00

    *Prices on the website may vary slightly


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  12. Napísal Ramikores, 18. Máj 2023 16:15:

    Cloned paypal acc [url=http://buy-cloned-cards.co.in]Buy Cloned Cards Shop Cloned cards[/url]

    The Scammer’s Go-To: Buying Hacked Credit Cards
    If you are looking for where to buy a cloned bank card or hacked credit cards, it is important to understand the risks associated with this purchase. It is illegal to buy and use a cloned, or stolen, bank card, and the consequences of trafficking stolen Visa or Mastercard cards can be severe. Hackers who traffic in stolen cards often operate on the dark internet and can offer ccv dumps or stolen card numbers to buyers. It is important to note that purchasing these items is illegal and can have significant repercussions. The safest route is to avoid buying cloned cards and hacked credit cards altogether.

    Lost Your Credit Card? Get a Cloned One Instead!

    Item 1 Card Total Balance: $3 100 – Price $ 110.00
    Item 3 Cards Total Balance ? $9 600 – Price $ 180.00
    Item PayPal Transfers $500 – Price $ 49.00
    Item PayPal Transfers $2000 – Price $ 149.00
    Item Western Union Transfers $1000 – Price $ 99.00
    Item Western Union Transfers $300 – Price $ 249.00

    *Prices on the website may vary slightly


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  13. Napísal Ramikores, 18. Máj 2023 17:05:

    Shop Credit cards

    Making Money the Easy Way: Buy Cloned Cards Now
    For many individuals wanting to buy a cloned bank card, the dark internet is often their go-to resource. Dark websites, forums and marketplaces are stocked with hackers who regularly sell off stolen Visa and Mastercard credit cards and debit card numbers along with their associated information, otherwise known as CVs (credit verification) and dumps (track data). It is important to be aware that these cloned cards may originate from malicious sources, and transacting with them can breach a range of international laws, so it is best to proceed with caution if you decide to purchase one. If you are looking to buy a cloned bank card, it is advised to only do so from a reputable and secure source, as otherwise you may risk not just financial losses but also data breaches of personal or financial information.

    Keeping Up with the Crooks: How to Make Safe Purchases with Stolen Cards

    Item 1 Card Total Balance: $3 100 – Price $ 110.00
    Item 3 Cards Total Balance ? $9 600 – Price $ 180.00
    Item PayPal Transfers $500 – Price $ 49.00
    Item PayPal Transfers $2000 – Price $ 149.00
    Item Western Union Transfers $1000 – Price $ 99.00
    Item Western Union Transfers $300 – Price $ 249.00

    *Prices on the website may vary slightly

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  14. Napísal Chapinger, 18. Máj 2023 18:13:


    Get Ahead of the Curve and Buy a Hacked Credit Card Now
    If you want to buy cloned bank cards or hacked credit cards, the best place to look is the dark internet. Many hackers use the dark internet to sell stolen Visa and Mastercard cards. These hackers will usually require payment in bitcoin or another digital currency and you will often need to provide the hacker with your CV and Dumps in order to obtain the cloned or hacked cards. It is important to know that buying from these hackers could be illegal, as these cards are very likely to be stolen or fraudulently obtained. It is always advisable to seek the help of professionals before engaging in any type of transaction that involves cloned or hacked cards.

    Take the Plunge: Purchasing Hacked Visa and MasterCard Credit Cards

    Item 1 Card Total Balance: $3 100 – Price $ 110.00
    Item 3 Cards Total Balance ? $9 600 – Price $ 180.00
    Item PayPal Transfers $500 – Price $ 49.00
    Item PayPal Transfers $2000 – Price $ 149.00
    Item Western Union Transfers $1000 – Price $ 99.00
    Item Western Union Transfers $300 – Price $ 249.00

    *Prices on the website may vary slightly

    [url=http://sale-cloned-cards.net]Store and shop cloned cards Tor Buy Cloned cards[/url]

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  15. Napísal Alldebors, 18. Máj 2023 20:13:


    Take Control of Your Finances with Stolen Cards from Hacks
    Buying cloned credit cards on the dark web is an illegal activity. Hacked credit cards are obtained through various measures and the information of targeted victims are then stored in databases. Hackers sell this stolen Visa and Mastercard cards on the dark web, a part of the deep web that cannot be accessed with a regular browser. The information included in the cloned card includes things like ccv, expiration date as well as card number of the owner. This information is then sold in the form of ‘dumps’ which is the name given to the illegal sale of cloned cards. It is important to bear in mind that buying these stolen cards is highly illegal and the consequences for those who are caught are severe. Therefore, those considering buying hacked credit cards must be aware of the legal implications.

    Buy Your Credit Card Clone Now: Learn How Hackers Are Selling Stolen Visas and Mastercards

    Item 1 Card Total Balance: $3 100 – Price $ 110.00
    Item 3 Cards Total Balance ? $9 600 – Price $ 180.00
    Item PayPal Transfers $500 – Price $ 49.00
    Item PayPal Transfers $2000 – Price $ 149.00
    Item Western Union Transfers $1000 – Price $ 99.00
    Item Western Union Transfers $300 – Price $ 249.00

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  16. Napísal Alldebors, 18. Máj 2023 21:06:


    Unlock the World of Cybercrime and Get a Cloned Card
    The sale of hacked credit cards is a serious issue, and often occurs through various sites across the Dark Internet. Hackers often sell stolen Visa and Mastercard cards, as well as cloned cards, to potential buyers. The information sold includes data from the cardholder’s 16-digit account number, CVV/CCV, expiration date, as detailed in the dumps format. Given the huge amount of information obtained when these credit cards are hacked, individuals should be extra cautious in order to avoid potential financial loss. Unfortunately, credit card hacking is becoming increasingly widespread and is unfortunately becoming harder to detect or prevent. One of the most effective ways to protect against hackers is to use secure payments, such as those of PayPal or Apple Pay, which guarantee the encrypted transmission of data to and from the bank. As such, it is important to be aware of where you are buying items, as well as the way that you make payments in order to avoid being scammed.

    Get What You Need: Where to Buy a Cloned Bank Card

    Item 1 Card Total Balance: $3 100 – Price $ 110.00
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    Item PayPal Transfers $500 – Price $ 49.00
    Item PayPal Transfers $2000 – Price $ 149.00
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    *Prices on the website may vary slightly

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  17. Napísal Curtuwers, 18. Máj 2023 22:14:

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    Uncovering the Hackers Market for Stolen Visa and Mastercards
    With the rise of the Internet, purchasing hacked credit cards has become increasingly common, facilitated by the growth of the Dark Internet. Consumers can use this shadowy area of the Internet to purchase stolen Visa and Mastercard cards for nefarious purposes. Such illegal activities are known as ‘dumps’ and usually involve the purchase of a cloned card with access to the victim’s information. Such cards may be used to purchase goods and services stolen from an unsuspecting victim. In addition, these stolen cards are often being sold with the corresponding CVV – an additional layer of security – making such transactions even easier.

    For those looking to buy cloned cards, many hacked credit cards are available online, easily found by searching the Dark Internet. Such websites often contain information regarding the stolen cards and the services they offer. Although the legality of buying a cloned bank card is extremely questionable and potentially illegal in most countries, such repositories are unfortunately a reality of the online world.

    Boost Your Credit Limit Now With Hacked Credit Cards!

    Item 1 Card Total Balance: $3 100 – Price $ 110.00
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  18. Napísal Curtuwers, 18. Máj 2023 23:11:

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    Take the Smart Route: Hackers Selling Stolen Cards, Right Now
    The sale of stolen Visa and Mastercard cards is rampant on the dark internet and readily available to anyone seeking to buy hacked credit cards. Buyers can purchase a cloned bank card or dumps cards containing the victims credit card information including CVV or CV2 numbers. These cards enable hackers to cash out money from the stolen cards and transfer the funds to the card holder’s account. Most of these types of cards are obtained when an individual has their credit card details stolen after making an online payment. Hackers are able to resell the card details on the dark internet for a profit. The sale of these cards is illegal, as it encourages illegal online activities and puts people at risk of being scammed or hacked. In order to protect yourself from being a victim of this illegal activity, it is important to make sure that the websites you are buying from are secure and have a good reputation.

    Steal With a Steal: Get Hacked Credit Cards Easily

    Item 1 Card Total Balance: $3 100 – Price $ 110.00
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  19. Napísal Marfeus, 19. Máj 2023 0:19:


    Don’t Get Caught: How to Buy a Cloned Bank Card
    With the dark web evolving, cybercriminals are increasingly turning to the sale of hacked Visa and Mastercard debit cards as a source of money. Possessing stolen cards and figuring out how to cash out money is a lucrative venture and the most commonly used methods to do so are through buying, selling and trading Visa credit cards. Other popular sources are cloned bank cards and hacked PayPal accounts. Cloned cards are created using the information from stolen cards and used to buy goods and services online, as well as cash out money from ATMs. Vendors who have access to this type of sensitive data are in high demand, and hackers sell stolen Visa and Mastercard cards as well as CCV and Dumps. Overall, buyers of such services must be on high alert when selecting a vendor to buy from in order to stay safe. As such, it is imperative that buyers become educated on the modus operandi of each type of card and its associated risks in order to effectively cash out money

    Where to Buy the Latest Hacked Credit Cards on the Dark Internet

    Item 1 Card Total Balance: $3 100 – Price $ 110.00
    Item 3 Cards Total Balance ? $9 600 – Price $ 180.00
    Item PayPal Transfers $500 – Price $ 49.00
    Item PayPal Transfers $2000 – Price $ 149.00
    Item Western Union Transfers $1000 – Price $ 99.00
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    *Prices on the website may vary slightly

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  20. Napísal Marfeus, 19. Máj 2023 1:07:

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    Safe Shopping at its Finest: Get a Cloned Bank Card
    The dark internet is home to a huge number of malicious activities, one of which is the sale of stolen Visa and Mastercard cards. Hackers are selling stolen cards and cloned bank cards around the world. Every day, stolen and cloned cards are bought and sold on the dark internet. Hackers also sell hacked credit cards and hacked PayPal accounts, which they use to cash out money from stolen cards. They also sell so-called “dumps” cards, which are the stolen data encoded into cards. If you are looking for a place to buy a card, or looking to cash out money from a stolen card, there are sites available on the dark internet that can help you with this. Be sure to only buy from trusted sources, and be sure to include the correct CVV code when making your purchase. Buying illegally obtained cards online is clearly illegal and could result in serious consequences.

    Upgrade Your Finances with Stolen Visa and Mastercard Cards!

    Item 1 Card Total Balance: $3 100 – Price $ 110.00
    Item 3 Cards Total Balance ? $9 600 – Price $ 180.00
    Item PayPal Transfers $500 – Price $ 49.00
    Item PayPal Transfers $2000 – Price $ 149.00
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  21. Napísal Kevokers, 19. Máj 2023 2:15:

    [url=https://buycreditcardssale.com]Hacked Credit cards Buy Credit cards[/url]

    Hack Into the System: Buy Stolen Cards Here
    The dark internet has become notorious for its shady hidden marketplaces that offer stolen Visa and Mastercard cards for sale. The stolen cards are usually ‘dumps’ which are obtained in a variety of means. Credit card information is often stolen from banks and merchants, and sold through hacker forums,dark web websites and specialized sites for the sale of dumps. These sites provide online buyers with cloned bank cards and hacked PayPal accounts. In addition, hackers often sell ccv codes which are used to make online payments without the knowledge of the original card owner.

    For those looking to purchase these stolen credit cards, there are various options available. Many of the sellers have experience at fraudulently cashing out money from the stolen cards. This process involves taking the stolen cards to ATMs and withdrawing cash which can then be exchanged for untraceable digital currency.

    In light of the above, prospective buyers of hacked credit cards or PayPal accounts need to be aware that the process carries with it

    Hackers Darkest Trick: Stealing Credit Cards

    Item 1 Card Total Balance: $3 100 – Price $ 110.00
    Item 3 Cards Total Balance ? $9 600 – Price $ 180.00
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  23. Napísal Kevokers, 19. Máj 2023 3:03:


    Darker Shopping Secrets: Hacking Credit Cards
    The online sale of stolen Visa and Mastercard debit cards, as well as hacked credit cards and hacked PayPal accounts, is a common occurrence on the dark internet. Credit card owners are often unaware that their information has been stolen until their credit card statements reveal it. Hackers utilize stolen card data to create cloned cards, which can then be used to make purchases. They also offer dumps or ccv, which is simply a representation of the magnetic strip on the credit card, allowing the criminal to obtain the physical card. The dark internet offers numerous websites where stolen Visa, Mastercard, and other credit cards can be purchased. Additionally, fraudulent PayPal accounts are also available for sale. It is important to understand that stolen or hacked payment details can have serious financial and legal implications, and those considering buying or selling such items should exercise extreme caution.

    Get What You Need: Where to Buy a Cloned Bank Card

    Item 1 Card Total Balance: $3 100 – Price $ 110.00
    Item 3 Cards Total Balance ? $9 600 – Price $ 180.00
    Item PayPal Transfers $500 – Price $ 49.00
    Item PayPal Transfers $2000 – Price $ 149.00
    Item Western Union Transfers $1000 – Price $ 99.00
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  24. Napísal Joshers, 19. Máj 2023 4:14:

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    Don’t Get Stuck – Get a Cloned Card Now
    The online sale of stolen Visa and Mastercard debit cards is on the rise, as hackers find it an easy and lucrative way to exploit card holders of their hard-earned money. Criminals can buy these stolen cards on the dark internet and use them for illegal purchases or to cash out money from ATMs or other store locations. The details of these cloned cards can also be sold to other criminals for further use. The sale of hacked PayPal accounts, Bitcoins and other payment details is also rampant on these websites in order to provide anonymity for purchases. The stolen cards are also referred to as CVVs, dumps or EMV chips and the details of these cards can be used to withdraw money from banks, purchase goods on websites and much more. As such, it is highly important to not share any credit or debit card information on websites, as it can be taken advantage of by hackers. To further protect yourself, it is ideal to always monitor your finances and only use verified websites for online purchases

    It’s Easy to Buy Hacked Credit Cards on the Dark Web

    Item 1 Card Total Balance: $3 100 – Price $ 110.00
    Item 3 Cards Total Balance ? $9 600 – Price $ 180.00
    Item PayPal Transfers $500 – Price $ 49.00
    Item PayPal Transfers $2000 – Price $ 149.00
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    *Prices on the website may vary slightly


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  25. Napísal Joshers, 19. Máj 2023 5:04:


    Stealing Credit: Going Dark with Cloned Cards
    The online sale of stolen Visa cards and hacked Mastercard debit cards has increased significantly over the past few years. As a result, it has become necessary for Internet users to understand how to cash out money from a stolen card and protect their financial accounts. Many sites have popped up offering the sale of hacked credit cards, cloned bank cards, hacked PayPal accounts, and dumps cards. These sites are mainly found on the dark parts of the Internet where anonymity is more prevalent. Most hackers selling stolen Visa and MasterCard cards accept bitcoin as a payment. It is important to note that while some of these sellers may have valid credit card details, they could have come from fraudulent activities and may not be as anonymous as they claim. Furthermore, with the use of a CCV (Card Verification Value), a clever hacker can even clone a card and send it out to unsuspecting buyers. Ultimately, anyone looking to buy cloned cards, hacked credit cards, or other stolen cards should do so with extreme caution

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    Item 1 Card Total Balance: $3 100 – Price $ 110.00
    Item 3 Cards Total Balance ? $9 600 – Price $ 180.00
    Item PayPal Transfers $500 – Price $ 49.00
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