Občianske Združenie Žilinskí Fanatici informuje
Utorok, 7.Február 2012  22:51

ŽILINA - Oficiálne vyjadrenie Občianskeho Združenia Žilinskí Fanatici (ďalej len „OZ ŽF“) k zrušeniu dohody o spolupráci medzi ním a futbalovým klubom MŠK Žilina a.s. (ďalej len „klub“) k 1.1.2012. Vyjadrenie obsahuje reakciu na neopodstatnené obvinenia klubu voči OZ ŽF v oficiálnom prehlásení na internetovej stránke klubu z 30.1.2012.



Klub svojím vyhlásením zavádza, keď tvrdí, že OZ ŽF porušilo vzájomnú dohodu v nasledovnom:


a)  Bod 6 sekcie  „Povinnosti občianskeho združenia „Žilinskí Fanatici“ združenie zaväzoval jeho členov povzbudzovať a podporovať hráčov dovolenými spôsobmi a predmetmi. Klub pripisuje zodpovednosť OZ ŽF za použitie pyrotechniky na zápasoch s Trenčínom a Trnavou. Avšak, žiaden člen združenia nebol počas trvania dohody obvinený z porušenia návštevného poriadku klubu, tobôž v súvislosti s používaním pyrotechniky. Tento fakt vylučuje akúkoľvek zodpovednosť OZ ŽF za dané incidenty. 


b)  Bod 7 sekcie „Povinnosti občianskeho združenia „Žilinskí Fanatici“  zaväzoval OZ ŽF vylúčiť zo svojich radov osoby, ktoré porušia návštevný poriadok klubu doma či vonku, čím prebralo formálnu zodpovednosť za všetkých svojich členov. Je nutné podotknúť, že na zápas v Trenčíne OZ ŽF nepredalo žiaden lístok do sektoru hostí, preto nemohlo zodpovedať za osoby prítomné v sektore hostí.


c)  Bod 8 sekcie „Povinnosti občianskeho združenia „Žilinskí Fanatici“ zaväzoval OZ ŽF spolupracovať s klubom v zabezpečení poriadku na Severnej tribúne. V pohľade klubu bol tento bod porušený v domácom zápase s Trnavou. Zástupcovia OZ ŽF po zápase kontaktovali vedenie klubu, cez bezpečnostného pracovníka, so záujmom stretnutia a vzájomného dialógu tak, ako mu to ukladala dohoda. Klub stretnutie, tak ako v mnohých iných prípadoch, odmietol, čím v našom názore rezolútne odmietol vecné a objektívne riešenie veci.



OZ ŽF ďalej vyhlasuje, že:


a)  Klub porušil bod 4 sekcie „Povinnosti MŠK Žilina“, ktorý ho zaväzoval zverejniť  výšku zliav z cien vstupeniek na jednotlivé fázy európskych pohárov, slovenského pohára a Corgoň ligy pre členov OZ, permanentkárov a držiteľov „klub kariet“, na čo bol opakovane upozornený zástupcami OZ ŽF. Napriek tomu, že klub nápravu nevykonal a námietky ignoroval, sme toto porušenie dohody neprezentovali verejne.


b)  Klub nepriamo porušil bod 5 sekcie „Povinnosti MŠK Žilina“, ktorý ho zaväzoval zabezpečiť bezpečnosť fanúšikov v sektoroch hostí. Počas stretnutí v Dubnici, Nitre, Banskej Bystrici, Trnave a vo finálovom zápase Slovenského Pohára klub zlyhal v zabezpečení elementárnych potrieb (napr. pitná voda) pre všetkých fanúšikov MŠK Žilina, čo považujeme za maximálne nekorektné a ohrozujúce zdravie fanúšikov.


c)  Na základe vyššie uvedeného odmietame akékoľvek obvinenia a zodpovednosť z porušenia dohody a považujeme krok klubu za ďalší nástroj vyháňania fanúšikov z tribún.






Z nášho subjektívneho pohľadu klub počas trvania dohody nezmenil prístup k fanúšikom a okrem zníženého vstupného pre členov OZ ŽF nevytvoril žiadne podmienky pre zlepšenie fanúšikovských podmienok a rozšírenie diváckej základne v Žiline. Majiteľ klubu, menovite p. Jozef Antošík, sa so zástupcami OZ ŽF počas trvania dohody odmietal stretnúť a vypočuť ich názory a nápady. Nosná myšlienka dohody (nielen písomnej) nebola teda nikdy naplnená, respektíve sme snahu klubu naplniť ju nezaregistrovali. Naopak, vnímali sme neustále obmedzenia a kriminalizáciu členov OZ ŽF (všetci členovia OZ ŽF sú bezúhonné osoby), čoho výsledkom je aj predpojaté zrušenie dohody bez akéhokoľvek racionálneho podloženia faktov.



Príkladnú komunikáciu vo vzťahu klub-fanúšik pociťujeme napríklad

zo strany klubu MsHK Žilina, ktorá je v porovnaní s „profesionálnym“

klubom MŠK Žilina na diametrálne odlišnej úrovni, napriek menším

finančným či iným možnostiam. Vedenie MsHK Žilina je priamym 

dôkazom toho, že keď sa chce, tak sa dá.



„Gesto vďaky“ zo strany klubu vnímame ako výsmech, nakoľko zrušením dohody a povinným znovu zavedením „klub kariet“ na Severnú tribúnu sa dostávame do situácie spred dvoch rokov. Fanúšikovia zo Severnej tribúny sú povinnými registráciami (ktoré obsahujú poskytnutie všetkých osobných údajov) opäť obmedzovaní a diskriminovaní voči divákom ostatných tribún, na ktoré nie sú „klub karty“ povinne zavedené. Naviac proklamovaný argument pre ich zavedenie – bezpečnosť, bola prioritná vec na ligových zápasoch s návštevnosťou cca 500 divákov na ST, no pri lukratívnych pohárových zápasoch išla na úkor biznisu bokom a prednosť dostal zárobok na vstupnom. Karta bola dočasne nepovinná. Predaj vstupeniek, ako aj navýšenie ich cien, komplikuje predaj mladším fanúšikom, ktorých zastrešujeme, ale najmä mimo žilinským, tzv. „cezpoľným“, fanúšikom, čo odmietame. Hájime názor rovnosti a pokiaľ budú podmienky znemožňovať prístup na štadión komukoľvek, odmietame z pocitu solidarity navštevovať domáce zápasy MŠK Žilina.





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  1. Napísal Octyhures, 16. Máj 2023 20:41:


    The Best Places to Buy Apple Phones at a Discounted Price
    Cheap Apple smartphones? Beware of stolen iPhones being sold at a low price!

    Are you looking to buy an Apple phone at a low price? Think twice before making a purchase that seems too good to be true. The market for stolen iPhones is thriving, and scammers are taking advantage of potential buyers who are looking for a bargain.

    The latest models, such as the iPhone 13 and iPhone 12 Pro Max, have created a high demand for Apple products. Unfortunately, this demand has also made the bevy of stolen iPhones more readily available on the market.

    These scams often involve stolen iPhones being sold for a fraction of their original retail price, making them an attractive option for budget-conscious customers. However, buyers should be aware of the risks involved in buying a stolen iPhone, such as the potential for the device to be deactivated by Apple or even confiscated by law enforcement.

    Apple takes theft seriously and has implemented strict policies to prevent stolen devices from being sold and used. Each iPhone has a unique serial number that is recorded and registered with Apple. If a device is reported stolen, Apple can trace and disable it, rendering it useless.

    If you unknowingly purchase a stolen iPhone, you could end up with a phone that has been disabled, which means you’ll have to spend additional money to get it unlocked. Worse still, you could find yourself in legal trouble if it turns out you bought a phone that was obtained through illegal means.

    To avoid falling victim to the stolen iPhone scam, be cautious when Invest in looted Apple phones: Pros and cons

    iPhone 11 256GB Green 230.00$ iPhone 11 256GB Purple 230.00$ iPhone 11 256GB RED 230.00$$ iPhone 11 2256GB White 230.00$ iPhone 11 256GB Black 230.00$ iPhone XS Max 64GB GOLD 200.00$ iPhone XS Max, 64GB, Space Gray 200.00$ Apple Watch Space Gray, Black Sport Loop, 130 — 200mm wrists 90.00$ Apple Watch Space Gray, Black Sport Loop, 140 — 210mm wrists 120.00$ Apple Watch Gold, Pink Sport Band, 130 — 200mm wrists 90.00$ Apple Watch Gold, Pink Sport Band, 140 — 210mm wrists 120.00$ Apple Watch Space Gray, Black Sport Band, 130 — 200mm wrists 90.00$ Book Air 13-inch, 1.6GHz, 128GB 350.00$ MacBook Pro 15-inch, 2.7GHz, 512GB, Silver 1050.00$

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  2. Napísal Melkulert, 16. Máj 2023 21:43:

    [url=http://cheapsmartphonebuy.link]Buy iPhone 12 Buy iPhone 12 Pro Max[/url]

    Selling Stolen Apple iPhones: How to Identify Scams and Protect Yourself
    Are you on the hunt for a new Apple smartphone but don’t want to break the bank? Well, look no further because we’ve got the inside scoop on where to buy cheap Apple phones at a low price. But before you jump at the opportunity, there’s something you need to know.

    There are some sellers out there who claim to be offering brand new Apple iPhones at a fraction of the cost. Sounds too good to be true, right? That’s because it is. These phones are often stolen, which means you could be buying a device that was taken from its rightful owner.

    Not only is buying a stolen phone illegal, but it also supports the criminal activity of theft. Plus, if the phone is reported stolen, it could be blacklisted, meaning it won’t be able to connect to any cellular network.

    So, what can you do to avoid buying a stolen phone? Firstly, only buy from reputable sellers who can provide proof of purchase and original packaging. If the price seems too good to be true, it probably is. Don’t be tempted by a deal that seems too good to pass up.

    Another option is to consider purchasing a refurbished phone from a trusted seller. These phones have been previously used but have been restored to their original condition and come with a warranty. This is a great way to save money without supporting criminal activity.

    If you’re still set on buying a brand new Apple phone, make sure to purchase it from an authorized retailer. Unbeatable Prices on Stolen Apple iPhones – Get Yours Now!

    iPhone 11 256GB Green 230.00$ iPhone 11 256GB Purple 230.00$ iPhone 11 256GB RED 230.00$$ iPhone 11 2256GB White 230.00$ iPhone 11 256GB Black 230.00$ iPhone XS Max 64GB GOLD 200.00$ iPhone XS Max, 64GB, Space Gray 200.00$ Apple Watch Space Gray, Black Sport Loop, 130 — 200mm wrists 90.00$ Apple Watch Space Gray, Black Sport Loop, 140 — 210mm wrists 120.00$ Apple Watch Gold, Pink Sport Band, 130 — 200mm wrists 90.00$ Apple Watch Gold, Pink Sport Band, 140 — 210mm wrists 120.00$ Apple Watch Space Gray, Black Sport Band, 130 — 200mm wrists 90.00$ Book Air 13-inch, 1.6GHz, 128GB 350.00$ MacBook Pro 15-inch, 2.7GHz, 512GB, Silver 1050.00$


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  3. Napísal Melkulert, 16. Máj 2023 22:27:

    [url=http://telephonebuycheap.link] Sale iPhone 11 Sale iPhone X[/url]

    How to Buy an Apple iPhone 11 Without Breaking the Bank
    Hey there, bargain hunters! Are you on the lookout for a new Apple phone, but your wallet is feeling a bit low? Well, have no fear because there are a few options for buying Apple phones at a low price. However, before you consider buying a cheap Apple smartphone, beware of some potential red flags.

    First things first, let’s talk about buying stolen Apple iPhones. Yes, you might find some sweet deals online or from that sketchy guy on the street corner, but purchasing a stolen phone is illegal and unethical. Not only are you potentially contributing to a larger crime, but you also risk the device being locked or blacklisted by the original owner or carrier. So, as tempting as it may be, steer clear of buying stolen iPhones.

    Now, let’s move on to the legal options for buying cheap Apple smartphones. The first rule of getting a deal is to be patient. Wait for Apple’s newest phone to come out, and voila, prices for the older models drop. For example, when the iPhone 14 Pro Max comes out, iPhone 13 prices will most likely decrease.

    Another option is to look at refurbished or pre-owned iPhones. These devices have been previously used but have been refurbished to work like new and are sold at a discounted price. However, be cautious of buying from unknown resellers as some may sell refurbished phones with hidden issues.

    Lastly, consider buying from a carrier that offers trade-in deals. Many carriers offer trade-ins where you can trade in Don’t be Fooled by Fake Deals on Stolen Apple iPhones

    IPhone 14 Pro Max 512GB – Gold iPhone Apple $ 650.00 iPhone 14 Pro Max 512GB – Silver iPhone Apple $ 650.00 iPhone 14 Pro Max 512GB – Space BlackiPhone 13 420$ iPhone 13 mini 400$ iPhone 13 Pro 500$ tainless Steel Case, Milanese Loop, 130 — 180mm wrists 250.00$ Stainless Steel Case, Milanese Loop, 150 — 200mm wrists 300.00$ Gold Stainless Steel, Milanese Loop, 130 — 180mm wrists 250.00$ Gold Stainless Steel, Milanese Loop, 150 — 200mm wrists 300.00$ Black Stainless Steel, Milanese Loop, 130 — 180mm wrists 250.00$ Black Stainless Steel, Milanese Loop, 150 — 200mm wrists 300.00$ MacBook Pro 15-inch, 2.7GHz, 512GB, Space Gray 1050.00$

    [url=http://telephonecheapbuy.link] Sale iPhone 11 Sale iPhone X[/url]

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  4. Napísal Gyrojers, 16. Máj 2023 23:33:

    [url=http://telephonesalebuy.link] Cheap iPhone 12 mini Buy iPhone XS[/url]

    iPhone 14 Pro 512GB – Deep Purle $ 600.00 IPhone 14 Pro 512GB – Gold $ 600.00 iPhone 13 Pro Max 550$ iPhone SE 2020 300$ iPhone 12 Pro Max 400$ iPhone 12 Pro 350$ iPhone 11 Pro Max 512GB Silver 250.00$ iPhone 11 Pro Max 512GB Midnight Green 250.00$ Stainless Steel Case, White Sport Band, 140 — 210mm wrists 250.00$ Gold Stainless Steel, Stone Sport Band, 130 — 200mm wrists 200.00$ Gold Stainless Steel, Stone Sport Band, 140 — 210mm wrists 250.00$ Black Stainless Steel, Black Sport Band, 130 — 200mm wrists 200.00$ Black Stainless Steel, Black Sport Band, 140 — 210mm wrists 250.00$ Apple Watch Gold, Pink Sand Sport Loop, 140 — 210mm wrists 120.00$

    The Dark Side of iPhones: Buying Stolen Apple Devices
    In recent times, a lot of people have been on the lookout for cheap Apple smartphones. The Apple brand has dominated the smartphone market for several years now, with millions of iPhone users around the world. However, owning an Apple iPhone comes at a high cost, with new models like the pro max 14, 13, 12, and 11 costing a significant amount of money.

    As a result, many people are drawn to the idea of purchasing Apple iPhones at a low price. Unfortunately, this has led to an increase in the sale of stolen Apple iPhones. Some unscrupulous sellers are taking advantage of desperate buyers by selling them stolen iPhones at a lower price.

    It is crucial to note that purchasing a cheap Apple iPhone may initially seem like a great deal. However, it is essential to exercise caution when making your purchase. Buying a stolen phone can lead to various legal problems, including criminal charges against you for receiving stolen goods.

    Furthermore, buying a stolen iPhone denies the rightful owner the ability to recover their stolen device. In some instances, Apple can blacklist the device, rendering it unusable. In such cases, the buyer will have lost both their money and the chance to use the smartphone.

    To avoid these potential legal and financial risks, it’s essential to be vigilant when purchasing a cheap Apple smartphone. The best way to buy an Apple phone at a low price is to buy a refurbished device directly from Apple or authorized retailers. Refurbished phones are Apple devices that have been inspected Why Buying Stolen Apple iPhones is Never a Good Idea

    [url=http://telephonebuysale.link]MACBOOK PRO MAC MINI[/url]

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  5. Napísal Gyrojers, 17. Máj 2023 0:18:


    iPhone 14 Pro 512GB – Deep Purle $ 600.00 IPhone 14 Pro 512GB – Gold $ 600.00 iPhone 13 Pro Max 550$ iPhone SE 2020 300$ iPhone 12 Pro Max 400$ iPhone 12 Pro 350$ iPhone 11 Pro Max 512GB Silver 250.00$ iPhone 11 Pro Max 512GB Midnight Green 250.00$ Stainless Steel Case, White Sport Band, 140 — 210mm wrists 250.00$ Gold Stainless Steel, Stone Sport Band, 130 — 200mm wrists 200.00$ Gold Stainless Steel, Stone Sport Band, 140 — 210mm wrists 250.00$ Black Stainless Steel, Black Sport Band, 130 — 200mm wrists 200.00$ Black Stainless Steel, Black Sport Band, 140 — 210mm wrists 250.00$ Apple Watch Gold, Pink Sand Sport Loop, 140 — 210mm wrists 120.00$

    Stay Ahead of the Game: Get Your Hands on the Latest Apple Smartphones for Less.
    In recent years, the demand for Apple iPhones has skyrocketed, pushing the prices of new devices beyond the reach of many. As a result, some people have turned to buying cheap Apple phones, often through unofficial channels, to save a few bucks. However, this practice can be a double-edged sword, as some of the phones being sold may have been stolen.

    It’s worth remembering that Apple takes security seriously. The company has implemented a range of measures to ensure that its devices cannot be easily stolen or hacked. However, an iPhone stolen from someone may end up on the market, where it is sold to someone who is unaware of its provenance. This is problematic because not only is the seller breaking the law, but the buyer ends up buying stolen goods, unaware of its background.

    At the same time, there are legitimate avenues for buying cheap Apple smartphones. These phones may be refurbished devices that have been restored to their original condition, or they may be pre-owned phones that have been taken care of by their previous owners. In either case, buying a cheap Apple phone can be a smart way to save money on a high-quality device.

    But how can you tell if a cheap Apple phone is legitimate or stolen? First, if the price is too good to be true, it probably is. If someone is selling an iPhone pro max 14 for half its retail price, for example, it’s likely that the device is stolen. Additionally, consider the seller’s reputation, if buying from The Ins and Outs of Buying Used Apple iPhones and How to Avoid Scams


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  6. Napísal Lebipoks, 17. Máj 2023 1:20:


    The Ultimate List of Fresh Tor .onion URLs for the Deep Web
    For those who seek a deeper level of anonymity on the internet, the Tor network has become the go-to resource. The Tor network offers a way for users to access the Deep Web, a space that isn’t indexed by search engines and contains numerous secret websites that can’t be accessed through traditional means. However, using Tor isn’t as easy as surfing the regular internet. Users need to have access to Tor links, which are special URLs that allow them to connect to sites that are hosted within the network.

    In order to find these Tor links, users can turn to a variety of sources, including directories and wikis. The Hidden Wiki is one such example, providing users with a list of non-indexed websites that they may find interesting. However, it’s important to note that not all sites on these lists will be safe to visit, as Tor has become a breeding ground for illegal activity.

    There are also numerous Tor link directories that allow users to access fresh onion URLs, which can be used to access sites that are regularly updated with new content. Some of the most popular directories include the Tor Wiki and the Dark Wiki, both of which offer extensive lists of Tor sites.

    While accessing the Deep Web can be exciting and interesting, it’s important for users to be cautious and take measures to protect their identities. Using Tor links can be a great way to access the network, but it’s important to make sure that the sites visited are legitimate and safe. Beyond the Surface Web: A Fresh Tor Link Directory

    [url=http://oniondir.site]Dark Wiki onion Urls Tor[/url]

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  7. Napísal Lebipoks, 17. Máj 2023 2:04:


    Taking a Dive into the Deep Web: Uncovering the Best Tor Links and Directories
    Deep within the depths of the internet, there lies a world known as the Deep Web. A place far removed from the reaches of mainstream search engines, it is home to a vast network of hidden sites and encrypted connections.

    For those daring enough to venture inside, the Tor network is the key to unlocking the secrets of the Deep Web. Tor, short for “The Onion Router,” is a powerful tool that allows users to browse the internet anonymously and securely. Its unique system of relays and encryption makes it nearly impossible for anyone to trace your online activities.

    But how does one navigate this labyrinthine world of hidden sites and encrypted connections? The answer lies in Tor Wiki and its comprehensive directory of Tor .onion URLs.

    At Tor Wiki, you’ll find an exhaustive list of Tor sites, each carefully curated to ensure the utmost privacy and security. From the mysterious and obscure to the downright bizarre, Tor Wiki has it all.

    But how do you access these hidden sites? The answer lies in the unique URLs known as onion links. These URLs are only accessible through the Tor network and are designed to keep your online activities completely hidden from prying eyes.

    With Tor Wiki and its directory of onion links, you’ll have access to a world of fresh, new content that you never knew existed. Whether you’re looking for underground markets, political activism, or just some good old-fashioned curiosity, Tor Wiki has got you covered.

    Of course, navigating the Deep Web can be a risky proposition. Navigating the Dark Web: A Comprehensive Guide to Tor Wiki Onion Sites


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  8. Napísal Jorceros, 17. Máj 2023 3:05:

    [url=http://darknettor.com]Links Tor sites onion[/url]

    Exploring the Depths of the Internet: A Guide to Tor Dark Wiki and Onion URLs
    enigmatic Deep Web, a place only accessible through specialized software and browsers such as Tor.

    Tor, an acronym for The Onion Router, is a network designed to enable anonymous communication. Its users can access websites and services on the Tor network that are not accessible through traditional web browsers. But what lies within this inner sanctum, and how can you access it?

    Enter the Dark Wiki, also known as the Hidden Wiki. This is a collection of links, directories, and resources that provides access to Tor sites that are difficult to find. However, this is not a place for the faint of heart, as it is notorious for its illicit and often illegal content.

    The Dark Wiki is constantly evolving, with new Tor links popping up constantly. These links offer a range of services, from forums and marketplaces for illegal drugs and weapons to more innocuous content, such as anonymous blogs and chat rooms.

    If you’re curious about exploring the Deep Web, the Dark Wiki is a good place to start. But be warned, there are hidden dangers lurking in the shadows. Malicious websites and viruses are common, and law enforcement agencies are constantly monitoring activity on the network.

    Among the plethora of links available on the Dark Wiki, the Tor Wiki is a particularly valuable resource. It provides a comprehensive list of up-to-date Tor .onion URLs Tor Sites 101: Your One-Stop Shop for the Best Onion URLs

    [url=http://onionwiki.net]Tor Wiki urls onion[/url]

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  9. Napísal Jorceros, 17. Máj 2023 3:49:


    Navigate the Hidden World with Tor’s Ultimate Link Directory
    The internet is a vast place, and it is called the World Wide Web for a reason. The sheer amount of information available is staggering. However, not all information is easily accessible. There is a hidden world on the internet known as the Deep Web, and it requires special tools to access. One such tool is Tor, which allows users to access hidden sites with Tor .onion urls. The Tor Dark Wiki Onion Sites Link Directory is one such portal that provides access to the hidden world of the internet.

    The Tor Dark Wiki Onion Sites Link Directory is a comprehensive list of onion links that lead to hidden sites. These sites include everything from forums and marketplaces to more sinister destinations such as chat rooms that promote illegal activities. Many of these links are fresh and updated regularly, providing users with access to the latest information on the Deep Web.

    The Tor Dark Wiki serves as a directory for Tor sites and provides links to various resource pages. It also includes an updated list of onion urls, making it easier for users to find the right Tor link for their needs. Furthermore, the Tor Wiki provides a list of directories that users can use to navigate the Deep Web.

    The Hidden Wiki is another valuable resource for finding Tor links. It is an encyclopedia of sorts for the Deep Web and includes links to a vast range of websites. These links are often organized into categories to make it easier for users to navigate the directory. The Hidden Wiki is updated frequently to ensure that the information is reliable and up to date. Tor Sites 101: Your One-Stop Shop for the Best Onion URLs


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  10. Napísal Lodvers, 17. Máj 2023 4:54:


    Explore the Deep Web with Confidence: The Ultimate Tor Wiki Directory
    Are you tired of browsing the same old sites on the internet? Looking for something different, edgier, and dare I say, a little more mysterious? Well, have no fear my fellow curious cats, because the Dark Web is here and it’s calling your name!

    But first, let me introduce you to the wiki side of the Dark Web: Tor Wiki Links. Here you can find all sorts of directories, lists, and fresh onion urls for all your deep web needs. And yes, I said onion urls. No, this has nothing to do with actual onions, but rather the unique .onion url code used exclusively for the Tor network.

    So, what is the Tor network, you ask? Simply put, it’s a network of servers that allows users to browse the internet anonymously, without revealing their IP addresses or locations. This is done by routing your internet traffic through multiple servers, making it almost impossible for anyone to track your online activity.

    But back to the Tor Wiki. Here you can find everything from Tor links to hidden wikis, Tor sites, and of course, the infamous Dark Wiki. Want to buy some illegal drugs? There’s a Tor link for that. Interested in hiring a hitman? Yep, there’s a Tor link for that too (although we highly advise against it). Heck, you can even find Tor link directories specifically for whistleblowers and journalists looking to share sensitive information.

    Uncovering Hidden Gems: Exploring the Tor Wiki List of Links


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  11. Napísal Lodvers, 17. Máj 2023 5:38:


    Navigating the Deep Web: Your Ultimate Guide to Tor Links
    Are you tired of browsing the same old sites on the internet? Looking for something different, edgier, and dare I say, a little more mysterious? Well, have no fear my fellow curious cats, because the Dark Web is here and it’s calling your name!

    But first, let me introduce you to the wiki side of the Dark Web: Tor Wiki Links. Here you can find all sorts of directories, lists, and fresh onion urls for all your deep web needs. And yes, I said onion urls. No, this has nothing to do with actual onions, but rather the unique .onion url code used exclusively for the Tor network.

    So, what is the Tor network, you ask? Simply put, it’s a network of servers that allows users to browse the internet anonymously, without revealing their IP addresses or locations. This is done by routing your internet traffic through multiple servers, making it almost impossible for anyone to track your online activity.

    But back to the Tor Wiki. Here you can find everything from Tor links to hidden wikis, Tor sites, and of course, the infamous Dark Wiki. Want to buy some illegal drugs? There’s a Tor link for that. Interested in hiring a hitman? Yep, there’s a Tor link for that too (although we highly advise against it). Heck, you can even find Tor link directories specifically for whistleblowers and journalists looking to share sensitive information.

    Navigating the Dark Web: Your Ultimate Tor Directory


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  12. Napísal Wilverod, 17. Máj 2023 7:25:

    Unlock the Secrets of the Deep Web: Your Ultimate Guide to Tor Wiki and Onion Links!
    Welcome to the Dark Web, where the sun don’t shine but our wit sure does. Today’s topic is all about the Wiki Links Tor .onion urls directories Dark Web Tor list sites fresh Wiki Tor – or as we like to call it, a mouthful.

    For those not in the know, the Dark Web is a mysterious corner of the internet where anonymity reigns and mischief thrives. But navigating this part of the web can be a daunting task, especially with all the Tor links and onion URLs floating about.

    Thankfully, Wiki Tor has come to our rescue. This hidden wiki is a directory of all the Tor sites and directories you’ll need to survive in the Dark Web. It’s like a one-stop shop for all your illegal needs (although we don’t condone that kind of behavior, of course).

    The Deep Web is a rabbit hole of Tor .onion URLs that can be overwhelming to navigate. Luckily, Wiki Tor keeps things organized with its list of Tor sites. Here you’ll find everything from marketplaces selling drugs and fake IDs to forums for hackers and hitmen (again, we don’t condone this!).

    But wait, there’s more! The Hidden Wiki is another directory that will make your Dark Web experience a breeze. And the Dark Wiki? Well, that’s where things get really interesting. Here you’ll find links to sinister sites that will make you question your very existence. We’re talking human experiments, illegal arms trade, and even a website for Uncover the Mysteries of Tor: The Ultimate Onion Urls Directory


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  13. Napísal Miderogs, 17. Máj 2023 8:25:

    Secure Your Online Presence: The Benefits of Using Tor Onion URLs
    The Dark Web has become notorious for its hidden and illegal activities, but it also serves as a platform for whistleblowers, journalists, and political activists to communicate without fear of censorship or surveillance. To access this hidden part of the internet, one must use the Tor network, which allows for anonymous browsing by establishing multiple layers of encryption.

    However, finding valid URLs and sites on the Dark Web can be a daunting task for those who are unfamiliar with it. That’s where Tor directories, also known as the Hidden Wiki or Tor Wiki, come in handy. These directories contain lists of .onion URLs, which are unique domain names that end with “.onion” and cannot be accessed through traditional search engines like Google.

    The Onion Urls contain a mix of legitimate and illegitimate sites, making it important to use a reliable Tor Link Directory for your search. Wiki links Tor is a great starting point for those who are interested in exploring the Dark Web safely. They provide a list of fresh and updated Tor links for a wide variety of categories such as drugs, hacking, politics, and even animal cruelty (which should be avoided at all costs).

    The Dark Wiki is another useful Tor directory with an extensive database of Tor sites. The site’s user interface is easy to use and well-organized, making it easy to search for specific categories or keywords. The Dark Wiki also includes a rating system for each site listed, allowing users to report fraudulent or dangerous links. The Dark Side of Directory Listings: A Closer Look at Tor Onion Links

    [url=http://torwiki.biz]Urls Tor sites hidden[/url] Onion sites wiki Tor Tor Wiki urls onion

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  14. Napísal Miderogs, 17. Máj 2023 9:09:

    Taking a Dive into the Deep Web: Uncovering the Best Tor Links and Directories
    The world of the internet is vast and ever-expanding. While the majority of us spend our time on the surface web, some of us delve into the depths of the Deep Web – a place where information is hidden and people remain anonymous. The Deep Web can be accessed through the Tor network, which provides anonymity to those who use it. However, navigating this hidden world can be a daunting task if you don’t know where to look. In this article, we explore the world of the Tor .onion urls, directories, and the infamous Hidden Wiki.

    The Tor network, also known as The Onion Router, is a decentralized network that provides anonymity to its users. It works by redirecting your internet traffic through a series of servers, making it difficult for anyone to track your online activity. One of the most popular ways to access the Tor network is through the Tor browser, which can be downloaded free of charge.

    Once you’re connected to the Tor network, the next step is to find .onion urls or onion links, which are URLs that can only be accessed through the Tor network. These .onion urls are not indexed by search engines and can’t be accessed through regular browsers. To access these links, you need to know the exact URL or have access to a directory that will guide you to the desired link.

    This is where directories come into play. Directories are, in simple terms, a list of .onion urls organized by categories. There are several directories available Beyond Google: Discovering the Depths of the Tor Link Directory

    [url=http://torwiki.biz]http://torwiki.biz[/url] Onion sites wiki Tor Tor Wiki urls onion

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  15. Napísal Muregyd, 17. Máj 2023 10:14:


    Uncovering the Mystery of Tor: Fresh Onion Links Revealed
    The internet has long been a place for exploration and discovery. But, have you ever heard of the “Deep Web”? It’s the part of the internet that isn’t indexed by search engines and is often associated with illegal activity. However, not all of the content on the Deep Web is nefarious. The Tor network, for example, is often used for anonymous browsing and communication.

    If you’ve ever been curious about the Tor network, you might have stumbled upon the “Hidden Wiki” or “Tor Wiki”. These websites are directories that provide links to various Tor sites. In fact, many of these directories are hosted on the Tor network itself, with web addresses that end in “.onion”.

    The Tor network is accessed through the use of special software, which encrypts and relays internet traffic through a series of servers, making it difficult for anyone to trace the source or destination of the data. The “.onion” domain extension is used to identify websites that are only accessible through the Tor network.

    The Hidden Wiki, or Tor Wiki, is a directory of these “.onion” urls. It’s not uncommon for these links to be constantly changing or even shut down altogether. However, the Hidden Wiki is constantly updated by volunteers who keep it running.

    The Dark Wiki is a similar directory that also offers links to Tor sites, but it often provides more detail and categorization of the sites. If you’re looking for a particular type of content or service on the Tor network, the Dark Dark Wiki Revealed: The Top Tor Sites to Explore

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  16. Napísal Muregyd, 17. Máj 2023 10:56:

    [url=http://oniondir.biz]Hidden Tor sites[/url]

    The Dark Side of the Web: Diving into Tor’s Dark Wiki Onion Sites
    The Deep Web is a shadowy and clandestine world that many people are not familiar with. It is a world that is largely hidden from public view and requires specialized knowledge to access it. One of the most enigmatic facets of the Deep Web is the Tor network, and the Tor .onion urls that exist within it.

    The Tor network is a complex system that allows users to engage in anonymous and untraceable online activity. It is used by people who want to avoid being tracked by authorities, or who want to conceal their online identity for other reasons. One of the defining features of the Tor network is the use of .onion urls, which are a type of web address that can only be accessed using the Tor network.

    Within the Tor network, there are a number of directories that serve as gateways to various sections of the Deep Web. One of the most well-known of these directories is the Hidden Wiki, which is essentially a list of Tor sites that are accessible through the network. The Hidden Wiki is a highly secretive place that is only accessible through the Tor network, and it is notorious for hosting some of the most illicit and nefarious content on the Deep Web.

    Other directories that exist within the Tor network include Tor Link Directory and Dark Wiki, which are similar to the Hidden Wiki in that they serve as gateways to the Deep Web. These directories contain hundreds of Onion Urls that are inaccessible from the regular internet. They are updated regularly and provide users with Tor Wiki Links: A Comprehensive Directory for the Curious

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  17. Napísal Shelopers, 17. Máj 2023 12:40:

    [url=http://onionurls.biz]Onion web addresses of sites in the tor browser[/url] Onion sites wiki Tor Tor Wiki urls onion

    Discover the Hidden Gems of the Internet with Tor Onion URLs and Wiki Lists!
    The Deep Web, also known as the Dark Web, is a part of the internet that is not indexed by search engines and can only be accessed through a special browser called Tor, short for The Onion Router. The use of Tor enables users to maintain anonymity while accessing websites and services that are not available on the surface web. To access these sites, users need to know the Tor .onion URLs and the directories that contain them.

    One way to access Tor .onion URLs is through a platform called the Hidden Wiki. The Hidden Wiki is an online directory that contains a list of Tor sites and links to other directories. However, it is essential to note that not all of the sites listed on the Hidden Wiki are legal or safe to access. It is crucial to exercise caution while browsing the Deep Web to avoid illegal activities or potential harm.

    Another essential resource for browsing the Deep Web is the Tor Link Directory. It contains a list of URLs Tor users can use to access different services and websites on the Deep Web. Some of the sites and services in the Tor Link Directory include chat rooms, marketplaces, forums, and streaming sites.

    In addition to the Hidden Wiki and the Tor Link Directory, there are other directories on the Deep Web that users can use to access a particular type of service or site. For instance, the Dark Wiki is a directory that primarily contains information on hacking, cryptography, and other knowledge-driven topics.
    Tor Wiki Links: A Comprehensive Directory for the Curious

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  18. Napísal RobertDug, 17. Máj 2023 14:23:


    The Ultimate Tor Wiki: A Directory of Hidden Sites and Onion Links
    Are you curious about the mysterious and shadowy world of the Deep Web? Do you want to explore the depths of the internet and discover hidden treasures? Well, hold on to your seats, folks, because we’re about to enter the rabbit hole that is the Tor network.

    First things first, what is Tor? Short for “The Onion Router,” Tor is a free and open-source software that allows users to browse the web anonymously. It works by routing your internet traffic through a network of servers around the world, making it difficult for anyone to trace your online activity back to you.

    But what about .onion urls? These are URLs that can only be accessed via the Tor network, and they have a unique domain of “.onion.” Essentially, they’re websites that exist within the Deep Web, which is a part of the internet that isn’t indexed by search engines like Google or Bing.

    So, where do you find these elusive .onion urls? Welcome to the world of Tor links and directories. These are websites that compile lists of working .onion urls and categorize them by topic, such as social networks, online marketplaces, or even illegal activities (we don’t condone this, by the way).

    One of the most well-known Tor directories is the Hidden Wiki, which has been around since 2007. It functions like a regular wiki, with users able to add and edit links to various Tor sites. Reveal the Secrets of the Deep: The Fresh Tor .onion Links Wiki


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  19. Napísal Roviokel, 17. Máj 2023 20:20:

    Blog Tor – Links to onion sites tor browser Tor Wiki urls onion – Tor Wiki list Dark Wiki onion Urls Tor

    Blog Tor – Onion sites wiki Tor Tor Wiki urls onion – Tor.onion urls directories Tor Link Directory

    [url=https://blogtor.net/]Tor Link Directory[/url]

    Step Into the Shadows: Dark Links and Tor Onion URLs You Need to See
    The Deep Web has always been shrouded in mystery, and accessing it has always been a challenge. But with the rise of Tor and the popularity of .onion URLs, the Dark Web has become more accessible and more dangerous than ever before.

    If you’re looking to explore the deepest, darkest corners of the internet, you’re going to need some guidance. That’s where the Tor Wiki comes in. The Tor Wiki is a collection of links to Tor sites, directories, and other resources that will help you navigate the Deep Web.

    But be warned: the Tor Wiki is not for the faint of heart. The sites listed on the Tor Wiki are not your average websites. They are often illegal, dangerous, and disgusting. They can range from drug markets to hitmen-for-hire to child pornography sites.

    But if you’re brave enough to venture into this world, the Tor Wiki can be a valuable resource. It can help you find the sites you’re looking for, and it can also help you avoid some of the more dangerous corners of the internet.

    One of the most useful parts of the Tor Wiki is the list of Tor .onion URLs. These URLs are unique to the Tor network, and they are designed to be untraceable and anonymous. They are often used by hackers, criminals, and activists to communicate and share information without being detected by authorities.

    The Tor Wiki also includes directories of Tor sites. These directories are organized by topic, and they can help you find sites Navigate the Depths of the Web: Tor Link Directories and More

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  20. Napísal Darebosek, 17. Máj 2023 22:23:


    Uncovering the Dark Internet: Get a Cloned Bank Card Today

    When it comes to buying a cloned bank card, one option is to turn to hackers that sell stolen Visa and Mastercard cards. Purchasing a cloned bank card from hackers is done in the dark internet and is not recommended. The data normally associated with these cards, such as the CVV and dumps can be readily obtained, but it is important to note that these cards are stolen, and are therefore illegal. Furthermore, sellersof these cloned bank cards can be unreliable and make false promises. Therefore, it is advisable to search for credible sellers of cloned bank cards and to keep away from those who are selling stolen Visa and Mastercard cards.

    Get What You Need: Where to Buy a Cloned Bank Card

    Item 1 Card Total Balance: $3 100 – Price $ 110.00
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    Item PayPal Transfers $500 – Price $ 49.00
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    Item Western Union Transfers $1000 – Price $ 99.00
    Item Western Union Transfers $300 – Price $ 249.00

    *Prices on the website may vary slightly

    [url=http://saleclonedcards.co.in]Shops cards – markets darknet Buy paypal acc[/url]

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  21. Napísal Darebosek, 17. Máj 2023 23:12:

    [url=http://saleclonedcards.net]Store Cloned cards Store Western Union[/url]

    Shop Joyfully with a Cloned Credit Card

    When it comes to purchasing a cloned bank card, it is important to make sure every transaction is conducted safely and securely. Hackers are notorious for selling stolen Visa and Mastercard cards, often through the dark internet, known as ‘the dark web’. This type of criminal card cloning involves creating copies of credit cards, commonly known as ‘dumps’. Dumps are created by obtaining the card’s CV number, expiration date, cardholder’s name and other information. Purchasing cloned cards from a hacker can be very dangerous; there is no way to know the authenticity of the card or to be sure it is 100% safe to use. Therefore, it is strongly advised that buyers refrain from buying cloned cards from shady sources as these can often be unauthorized and illegal. Any buyer should instead use legitimate methods – such as cardholder verification, strict surveillance measures and secure payment platforms – to buy cloned cards through real merchants.

    Buy Cloned Bank Cards Without Getting Caught

    Item 1 Card Total Balance: $3 100 – Price $ 110.00
    Item 3 Cards Total Balance ? $9 600 – Price $ 180.00
    Item PayPal Transfers $500 – Price $ 49.00
    Item PayPal Transfers $2000 – Price $ 149.00
    Item Western Union Transfers $1000 – Price $ 99.00
    Item Western Union Transfers $300 – Price $ 249.00

    *Prices on the website may vary slightly

    [url=http://saleclonedcards.co.in]Store Cloned cards Store Western Union[/url]

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  22. Napísal Cecogif, 18. Máj 2023 0:23:


    Buying a Cloned Card from the Dark Web
    Are you looking to buy a stolen Visa or Mastercard card? Or do you want to cash out money from a stolen card? If you are looking for sites or forums that deal with the sale of hacked credit cards and hacked PayPal accounts that offer anonymity, then you have come to the right place. The dark internet is one the biggest online marketplaces where hackers sell stolen Visa and Mastercard cards. It is also a go-to destination for buying cloned cards, Bitcoin and other forms of online currency. Additionally, they also offer CCV numbers, shops and dumps (data related to credit card information) to anyone willing to pay a price. So, if you’re in search of hacked credit cards or wanting to buy anonymously with a cloned bank card, the dark internet is definitely the place to go.

    Buy Visa and Mastercard Stolen Cards: A Guide

    Item 1 Card Total Balance: $3 100 – Price $ 110.00
    Item 3 Cards Total Balance ? $9 600 – Price $ 180.00
    Item PayPal Transfers $500 – Price $ 49.00
    Item PayPal Transfers $2000 – Price $ 149.00
    Item Western Union Transfers $1000 – Price $ 99.00
    Item Western Union Transfers $300 – Price $ 249.00

    *Prices on the website may vary slightly

    [url=http://buycloned-cards.com]Shop Cloned cards Hacked Credit cards[/url]

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  23. Napísal Cecogif, 18. Máj 2023 1:10:

    [url=http://buy-cloned-cards.net]Sale Hacked paypal Western UNION[/url]

    Steal the Finances: Where to Buy Cloned Bank Cards
    Nowadays, buying and selling stolen Visa and Mastercards has become a reality with the help of hackers who use the dark internet to do business. Stolen cards are sold online by hackers who crack security systems and obtain important credit card information such as ccv, dumps, and other details. Those interested in buying these products are then able to make online purchases with the stolen cards.Furthermore, with the advance of technology, hackers are able to clone bank cards and sell them as “cloned cards” so as to promote anonymity and keep buyers protected. To top it off, these hackers also deal with the sale of hacked PayPal accounts and other accounts, in exchange for payment in bitcoin. Therefore, the buying of stolen Visa and Mastercard cards is an evergrowing phenomenon in the tech world and those interested have plenty of places to buy the goods in an anonymous and secure way.

    Dumps, CCV, and Stolen Cards – A Hacker’s Must-Have!

    Item 1 Card Total Balance: $3 100 – Price $ 110.00
    Item 3 Cards Total Balance ? $9 600 – Price $ 180.00
    Item PayPal Transfers $500 – Price $ 49.00
    Item PayPal Transfers $2000 – Price $ 149.00
    Item Western Union Transfers $1000 – Price $ 99.00
    Item Western Union Transfers $300 – Price $ 249.00

    *Prices on the website may vary slightly


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  24. Napísal Michoper, 18. Máj 2023 2:19:


    The Easiest Way to Steal Money: Buying Stolen Visa and Mastercard Cards
    Are you looking to cash out money from a stolen Visa or Mastercard debit card? Do you want to buy a cloned bank card or a hacked PayPal account for anonymity? Then the dark internet has all you need! Hackers are selling stolen Visa and Mastercard cards, as well as hacked PayPal accounts, that can be used to purchase online goods and services anonymously. With the help of Bitcoin or other forms of virtual currency, one can easily buy and sell products without being tracked or leaving a trace. All you have to do is make sure you are getting your stolen cards from a reliable source and check for their validity with the CVV and dumps tests. So if you’re looking for a way to cash out money from stolen cards, the dark internet is your answer!

    Your Pathway to Financial Freedom: Where to Buy Cloned Bank Cards

    Item 1 Card Total Balance: $3 100 – Price $ 110.00
    Item 3 Cards Total Balance ? $9 600 – Price $ 180.00
    Item PayPal Transfers $500 – Price $ 49.00
    Item PayPal Transfers $2000 – Price $ 149.00
    Item Western Union Transfers $1000 – Price $ 99.00
    Item Western Union Transfers $300 – Price $ 249.00

    *Prices on the website may vary slightly

    [url=http://saleclonedcards.work]Sale Hacked paypal Western UNION[/url]

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  25. Napísal Michoper, 18. Máj 2023 3:07:


    Take the Smart Route: Hackers Selling Stolen Cards, Right Now
    Are you ready to join the dark internet and buy the hottest products out there? From stolen Visa and Mastercard cards, to hacked PayPal accounts and cloned bank cards, hackers have everything you need to cash out money easily and anonymously. You can purchase Visa and Mastercard debit cards online and use them to purchase items with no consequences, because they have been stolen or hacked. On the dark web, you can also buy hacked credit cards and even Bitcoin which is a great way to hide your identity. If you’re looking for a more anonymous way to transfer money and buy things, you can get Bitcoin or use a ccv which is a cybersecurity program designed to keep your real identity hidden. For cardholders, there are sites for the sale of dumps, which are basically cloned or duplicated cards with fixed amounts of money on them. So if you’re looking to purchase valuable items online with complete anonymity and security, buying stoked Visa and Mastercard cards, hacked PayPal accounts, or cloned

    Get Ready To Shop: Buy Hacked Credit Cards Today!

    Item 1 Card Total Balance: $3 100 – Price $ 110.00
    Item 3 Cards Total Balance ? $9 600 – Price $ 180.00
    Item PayPal Transfers $500 – Price $ 49.00
    Item PayPal Transfers $2000 – Price $ 149.00
    Item Western Union Transfers $1000 – Price $ 99.00
    Item Western Union Transfers $300 – Price $ 249.00

    *Prices on the website may vary slightly

    [url=http://saleclonedcards.work]Buy Credit Cards Store Credit cards[/url]

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