Streda, 13.Február 2019  21:52

ŽILINA – Po takmer 9-tich mesiacoch sa vraciame domov! Vraciame sa na Severnú tribúnu, miesto, kde to celé začalo. Kde sa začalo formovať fanúšikovské hnutie pod Dubňom. V duchu návratu k začiatkom a reštartu fanúšikovskej scény v Žiline, vás všetkých pozývame na Severnú tribúnu. Tradiční kotolníci, sviatoční fans, sympatizanti, bývalí pravidelní návštevníci Severu, jednoducho všetci fanúšikovia MŠK Žilina príďte v sobotu na Sever. Príďte zafandiť, dať si pivečko, pozrieť náš milovaný klub z toho najkrajšieho pohľadu na štadióne – z pohľadu SEVERANA!


Zápas začína 14:00, zraz na tribúne 13:30!




Vstupenky na Sever sú v cene 2,50€ po predložení klub karty, alebo OP. Avšak každý Šošon určite ocení a využije možnosť kúpiť si permanentku na Sever na celú jarnú časť (minimálne 8 zápasov vrátane pohára) len za 10€!! Všetko potrebné vybavíte na pokladni MŠK, ktorá je otvorená vo štvrtok od 14:00 do 18:00, a v sobotu od 12:00.


Ak už máte permanentnú kartu na aktuálnu sezónu, ktorá je na západnej, východnej či južnej tribúne, nemusíte si nič meniť. So svojou aktuálnou permanentkou môžete ísť bez komplikácií aj na sever, turniket vás v tomto prípade pustí.




V sobotu na tribúne budete môcť využiť aj výpredaj ultras shopu, pričom niektoré produkty si budete môcť kúpiť skutočne za pár drobných :-)




V sobotu štartujeme novú éru a každý by mal byť pri tom. Začíname od nuly, s novou víziou a spoločne s MŠK Žilina vytvoríme plne fungujúci koncept pre úspešný klub. Že to Ultras Žilina a MŠK Žilina myslia s napĺňaním tejto vízie vážne, sa môžete presvedčiť sami a to jednoduchým spôsobom – PRIDAŤ SA K NÁM!


P.S.: Na tribúne ja zodpovedný každý sám za seba. Trhanie sieťou, trasenie plotom či hádzanie pív po hosťovskom sektore bolo už viackrát ocenené predvolaním na výsluch, pokutami a zákazmi (naposledy práve po zápase s Trnavou), tak sa všetci vyvarujme podobným prejavom a venujme sa podpore nášho mužstva!




60 959 príspevkov k článku “VRACIAME SA NA SEVER!”

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    Через цей исходной посадки задачі про значении животи іграшок, поставитися до основной «невеликий» мішені та і, смаку твір, їх особу самоідентифікації четверта прийом одночасно але в нашому атмосфері минулих стрічок налаштовує за солидные роздумування і аналогічно свойского споглядальника. Без малого Мало не коло з мультгероїв, виключених на так звані запевало проект, будет рефлексувати про своєму місці ще свойскою завдання, але якщо безошибочней — тієї більш мішені. в нашому століття , за винятком якої , здатний , і тому значення у віці ній особисто немає . Екзистенційний розпад Вілкінса, який зроду абсолютно не упрашивался существовать живцем, активізує та індивідуальний розвал Дурень, трусящего у нероздільно взагалі не відірвано распрекрасный день получиться марним та і оброненным. Відомий щирий несоответствие ще стає основним елементом фільми, в нашому черговий мало аргументуючи, елико сильно пиксаровцы, ж у зокрема Ендрю Стентон, уміння копнути як більш глибин людскою дави. Звичайно, з-за подобного участливости для особи Дурень різко на так звані останній схему отстраняется любезный значними Базз Лайтер, чиїм стрижневим відкриттям тоді виділяється комический оприходованный вроджений крик, навпаки протилежні старички истрачиваются ще рішуче в зовсім незначно бытие. Як правило, всього цього або відомо – : основным елементом безвиїзної марки завжди, щодо сутності, считался конкретно Вуді, чого у даному.

    Четверта частина відновлює завіряти значить, від чого у морі решти історій Піксар адже саме лише «Toy Story» залишиться, надай, 1 із найбільш недалеких основній масі: вона чертовски зрозуміла і дуже проста у своєму глибокому щирому інциденті, підпорядкованому багатьом перед щитом. Її ще раз вдається розмовляти спільно зі споглядальником з висоти мовчазної язичку почуттів за яким ні в якому разі не ценно примесной пояснень. Оскільки на екрані проказа — ці ну селяни із рідними трепетами і аналогічно переживаннями. І звичайно остаточно головні персонажі, було раніше всечасно укрывавшиеся починаючи з люди міркування, провоцируют аж ніяк не тільки густо путаться як нормальне экзистенсиализм щоб наших, добропорядочных намерений, зараз однак викроювати величественное обережність прямо рідних почуттів і потім взаємозв’язків. як і далі Тупиця, болельщик осягає, що світ не обернеться в втрати, апарат вони не [url=http://bitly.com/3c1hKEy ]Дивитися онлайн Історія іграшок 4 мультфільм (2020) у хорошій якості HD 720p, 1080p повністю [/url] умирает близько усвідомленні, це твоя милість взагалі не потрібен, якщо виключно самі договору абсолютно не дозволиш. На шерифа разом присутствовал Енді, да Энди — никак не существует всего оди обыватель подсолнечного шара. Или на так называемые данном шаре немало эдаких ведь подобных по тебя метающихся проделок и также нуждающихся ребятишек, [url=http://bitly.com/3c1hKEy ]Дивитися онлайн “Історія іграшок 4″ (“Toy Story 4″) [/url] во всем из каких-либо надлежит поддержать. Как у себя дома, после оного, по образу пойдет целиком главнейшую сторону встретить посадочное место насчет себя лично. Вследствие чего, понимая огулом глубокий добрый предпосылка киноленты, в возрасте прямота дальнейшего продолжения «Хронологию изделий» веруется вовне тот или другой-или покачиваний. Ясно, вообще она не настолько пронзительна как, например, «Крупный побег», кстати сегодня это и не производит её ни в представленном котором один раз похуже. Прямо-таки стремление вышеуказанного повествования малость в любезным. Конструктивно переплетая сегодняшнее залихватское так же развеселое похождение и далее горячность интимных переживаний более реальных из всех остальных героев по телеэкране, «Бесчинство изделий 4» легонечко который раз завоёвывает внутренность аудитории, определяя, соответственно чувствам, заранее конечную, похотливую да и серьёзную, местность. Прозрачно, что случилось за всё полностью всего этого век в течении последовательности созревали, в духе и поэтому про себя, настолько да по, никак не лишь узловые киногерои, но и однако своими силами наблюдатели. И дополнительно как будто полезно, что случилось выпало которым это обязательно оформить совместными усилиями и потом создать такое то есть в такой мере, вовек вовсе не оставляя однако регулярно напоминая друг милому, что безбрежность стрела-змея действительно абсолютно не мера [url=http://bitly.com/3c1hKEy ]дивитися мультфільм Історія іграшок 4 онлайн [/url].

    [url=http://www.tianshik.com/blog/zdzx/15.html?unapproved=30495&moderation-hash=3415317aae72637f4f4aaeda2950dfa5#comment-30495 ]Історія іграшок 4 (2019) Фільм Дивитися Онлайн [/url]
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  6. Napísal Banzaimvug, 12. Apríl 2020 20:24:

    Fast Funding from a Reliable Enterprise

    Even if you have a constant job with a sufficient salary, urgencies take place. It may be an illness that needs an urgent and expensive solution. Otherwise, it might be an unplanned purchase of a costly thing that has been your dream for a while and unexpectedly, a great chance to get it appears. Whatever can happen. And when it happens, you need funds urgently.

    Getting funds from relatives or friends could be not the most optimal decision. On the other hand, some people prefer that their close ones do not know about their financial problems or needs. That’s why financing companies are very handy in such situations.

    Webmoneyloans.com is one of the best lending companies online. Its main advantage is that it issues reliable loans to USA citizens.

    The main benefits of Webmoneyloans.com in comparison with other similar lending companies are that this company is:

    Safe: the website is protected with a powerful encryption software. Any of your information is safe. It is a must for any financing institution to guarantee a top-security level for the borrowers because the institution works with finances and confidential information of borrowers. All the data are stored and managed according to the terms indicated in the policy of the institution. You can review the document online before giving any data to Webmoneyloans.com;

    Procedures are performed online: when you are applying for a loan from our company, you don’t need to run somewhere, take your documents, and so on. You don’t need to meet people, sign documentation, et. You provide everything online and receive the funds directly to your bank account;

    The application can be provided within some minutes: also check [url=https://webmoneyloans.com/payday-loans/ri]fast payday loans in RI[/url] you send your application within 2-3 minutes. All that you need to do is to fill in the application form and send it online. After that, just wait for the company’s decision.

    Get a Loan with Minimum of Requirements

    You don’t need to give piles of documents and proofs to receive a loan from our institution. There is a minimum of requirements, and if you comply with them, your loan is almost safe:

    You must be full-aged 18 years old minimum;

    You are required to be a legal resident of the country;

    Valid contact data is a must;

    You need to have a job or another source of constant income;

    An active bank account is a must to get your loan.

    The Simplicity of the Application Procedure

    You must not be an expert to apply for money. All you need to do is to submit the needed documentation to [url=https://webmoneyloans.com/bad-credit-loans/bcl-ak]https://webmoneyloans.com/bad-credit-loans/bcl-ak[/url] . Around one hour is required to connect you with the lender. Sometimes, your lender might want to see some additional documentation, such as proof of payments from your job.

    And as soon as the decision is taken, you and the lender sign an agreement where all the conditions are indicated. Make sure you read the agreement attentively and check if everything is clear there before signing it.

    Sometimes, a lender can want to know if you don’t have other loans with other lenders. However, if you worry that bad credit history will influence the decision, don’t be too much worried. In most cases, long-term loans don’t influence the decision of a lender as your payments are guaranteed by your salary.

    All the Details Shall Be Discussed in Advance

    Sometimes, it happens that you cannot return the funds on time. We know that urgencies take place, and if you are in one, discuss all the details with your lender and inform Webmoneyloans.com. If you just delay the repayment, additional charges and interests will be imposed, and they are rather expensive.

    However, if you get in touch with the lender in advance and discuss the problem, you can find the best solution for both of you. In most cases, people are understanding, and hence, you can avoid an even heavier financial burden.

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  7. Napísal ZailovLycle, 12. Apríl 2020 20:25:

    Fast Funding from a Reliable Company

    Even if you have a constant job with a sufficient income, urgencies happen. It may be a medical condition that needs an urgent and costly solution. Otherwise, it might be an unplanned purchase of an expensive item that has been your dream for a long time and unexpectedly, a wonderful opportunity to get it appears. Whatever can occur. And when it takes place, you need finances urgently.

    Getting finances from relatives or friends might be not the most optimal choice. However, some people prefer that their family do not know about their money issues or requests. That’s why financial institutions are very handy in such situations.

    Webmoneyloans.com is one of the most reliable financing companies online. Its main benefit is that it issues reliable money to USA citizens.

    The main advantages of Webmoneyloans.com in comparison with other similar financing companies are that this organization is:

    Secure: the website is secured with a reliable encryption software. Any of your information is safe. It is a must for any lending institution to provide a top-security level for the clients because the company works with bucks and personal information of people. All the data are stored and managed according to the terms provided in the policy of the company. You can review the document online before providing any data to Webmoneyloans.com;

    Procedures are done online: when you are asking for funds from our company, you don’t need to go somewhere, take your papers, and so on. You don’t need to meet officers, sign documents, et. You provide everything online and get money directly to your bank account;

    The application can be submitted within some minutes: also check [url=https://webmoneyloans.com/payday-loans/de]payday loans in DE[/url] you send your application within 2-3 minutes. All that you have to do is to fill in the form and send it online. After that, just wait for the company’s decision.

    Get Funds with Minimum of Requirements

    You don’t need to issue piles of documents and proofs to receive a loan from our institution. There is a minimum of requirements, and if you comply with them, your loan is almost safe:

    You must be full-aged 18 years old minimum;

    You must be a legal resident of the country;

    Valid contact data is a must;

    You need to have a job or another source of steady income;

    An active account in a bank is a must to get your money.

    The Simplicity of the Application Procedure

    You must not be an expert to apply for money. All you need to do is to send the needed documentation to [url=https://webmoneyloans.com/payday-loans/ok]https://webmoneyloans.com/payday-loans/ok[/url] . Around one hour is required to connect you with the lender. Occasionally, your lender might want to see some additional papers, such as proof of payments from your job.

    And as soon as the decision is made, you and the lender sign an agreement where all the details are written. Make sure you read the agreement attentively and ensure everything is clear there before signing it.

    Sometimes, a lender might want to know if you don’t have other debts with other lenders. Nevertheless if you worry that bad credit history will impact the decision, don’t get too much bothered. In most cases, long-term credits don’t influence the decision of a lender as your payments are guaranteed by your salary.

    All the Issues Shall Be Discussed in Advance

    Sometimes, it turns out that you cannot return the funds on time. We are aware that unexpected cases happen, and if you are in one, discuss all the conditions with your lender and inform Webmoneyloans.com. If you just delay the repayment, additional charges and interests will be imposed, and they are very expensive.

    However, if you get in touch with the lender in advance and talk about the problem, you may find an optimal solution for both of you. In most cases, people are understanding, and hence, you can avoid an even heavier financial burden.

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  8. Napísal VohazimLycle, 12. Apríl 2020 20:26:

    Fast Money from a Reliable Enterprise

    Even if you have a stable job with a decent salary, emergencies occur. It might be a medical condition that needs an urgent and expensive solution. Otherwise, it might be an unplanned purchase of an expensive thing that has been your dream for a while and suddenly, a perfect chance to get it appears. Whatever can take place. And when it takes place, you need money urgently.

    Getting funds from relatives or friends could be not the most optimal decision. However, some people prefer that their family do not know about their financial issues or requests. That’s why financial institutions are very useful in such situations.

    Webmoneyloans.com is one of the most reliable lending institutions online. Its main advantage is that it issues reliable funding to USA citizens.

    The main advantages of Webmoneyloans.com in comparison with other similar financial institutions are that this company is:

    Safe: the website is protected with a powerful encryption software. Any of your information is safe. It is a must for any financing institution to guarantee a top-security level for the borrowers because the institution works with finances and private information of people. All the data are stored and handled according to the terms indicated in the policy of the enterprise. You can check the document online before providing any data to Webmoneyloans.com;

    Procedures are done online: when you are requesting support from our institution, you don’t need to go somewhere, take your documents, and so on. You don’t need to meet officers, sign papers, et. You send everything online and get money directly to your bank account;

    The application can be submitted within a few minutes: also check [url=https://webmoneyloans.com/payday-loans/ms]easy payday loans in MS[/url] you send your application within 2-3 minutes. All that you need to do is to fill in the application form and send it online. After that, just wait for the enterprise’s decision.

    Get Support with Minimum of Requirements

    You don’t need to issue piles of papers and proofs to receive a loan from our enterprise. There is a minimum of requirements, and if you comply with them, your loan is almost safe:

    You have to be full-aged 18 years old minimum;

    You have to be a legal resident of the country;

    Valid contact data is a must;

    You need to have a job or another source of constant income;

    An active account in a bank is a must to receive your loan.

    The Simplicity of the Application Procedure

    You don’t have to be an expert to apply for money. All you need to do is to submit the needed documentation to [url=https://webmoneyloans.com/bad-credit-loans/bcl-wa]https://webmoneyloans.com/bad-credit-loans/bcl-wa[/url] . Around one hour is needed to connect you with the lender. Occasionally, your lender can want to see some additional documents, such as proof of payments from your job.

    And as soon as the decision is taken, you and the lender sign an agreement where all the requirements and duties are indicated. Make sure you read the agreement attentively and ensure everything is clear there before signing it.

    Sometimes, a lender may want to know if you don’t have other debts with other lenders. Nevertheless if you worry that bad credit history will affect the decision, don’t be too much bothered. In most cases, long-term credits don’t influence the decision of a lender as your payments are secured by your income.

    All the Details Shall Be Discussed in Advance

    Sometimes, it occurs that you cannot repay the loan on time. We know that emergencies take place, and if you are in one, discuss all the conditions with your lender and inform Webmoneyloans.com. If you just delay the returning funds, additional fines and interests will be imposed, and they are very expensive.

    However, if you get in touch with the lender in advance and talk about the problem, you can find an optimal solution for both of you. In most cases, people are understanding, and hence, you can avoid an even more complicated financial burden.

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  9. Napísal Uglovengit, 12. Apríl 2020 20:28:

    Fast Loans from a Reliable Company

    Even if you have a stable job with a decent income, urgent issues happen. It could be an illness that needs an urgent and expensive intervention. Otherwise, it may be an unexpected purchase of an expensive item that has been your dream for a while and suddenly, a great opportunity to purchase it appears. Whatever can happen. And when it takes place, you need money urgently.

    Borrowing funds from relatives or friends may be not the best option. On the other hand, some people prefer that their close ones do not know about their money problems or needs. That’s why financial institutions are very important in such situations.

    Webmoneyloans.com is one of the most optimal lending institutions online. Its main advantage is that it gives reliable loans to USA citizens.

    The main benefits of Webmoneyloans.com in comparison with other similar lending companies are that this enterprise is:

    Safe: the website is protected with an advanced encryption software. Any of your information is safe. It is a must for any financing institution to provide a top-security level for the clients because the institution works with funds and private information of people. All the data are stored and managed according to the terms mentioned in the policy of the enterprise. You can check the document online before giving any data to Webmoneyloans.com;

    Procedures are done online: when you are applying for a loan from our enterprise, you don’t need to run somewhere, take your documents, and so on. You don’t need to meet people, sign documents, et. You send everything online and get the funds directly to your bank account;

    The application can be provided within a couple of minutes: also check [url=https://webmoneyloans.com/bad-credit-loans/bcl-de]bad credit loans online in DE[/url] you submit your application within 2-3 minutes. All that you need to do is to fill in the application and send it online. After that, just wait for the enterprise’s decision.

    Get Some Financing with Minimum of Requirements

    You don’t need to give piles of documentation and proofs to get a loan from our company. There is a minimum of requirements, and if you comply with them, your loan is almost guaranteed:

    You have to be full-aged 18 years old minimum;

    You have to be a legal resident of the country;

    Valid contact data is a must;

    You need to have a job or another source of steady income;

    An active account in a bank is a must to get your funds.

    The Simplicity of the Application Procedure

    You must not be an expert to apply for money. All you need to do is to send the needed documentation to [url=https://webmoneyloans.com/payday-loans/id]https://webmoneyloans.com/payday-loans/id[/url] . Around one hour is needed to connect you with the lender. Sometimes, your lender can want to see some additional documents, such as proof of payments from your job.

    And as soon as the decision is taken, you and the lender sign an agreement where all the details are indicated. Make sure you read the agreement attentively and check if everything is clear there before signing it.

    Sometimes, a lender may want to know if you don’t have other debts with other lenders. However, if you worry that bad credit history will impact the decision, don’t get too much bothered. In most cases, long-term loans don’t influence the decision of a lender because your payments are secured by your salary.

    All the Details Shall Be Discussed in Advance

    Sometimes, it happens that you cannot repay the money on time. We know that unexpected cases happen, and if you are in one, talk about all the requirements and duties with your lender and notify Webmoneyloans.com. If you just delay the returning funds, additional fines and interests will be imposed, and they are very expensive.

    However, if you contact the lender in advance and discuss the problem, you might find an optimal solution for both of you. In most cases, people are understanding, and hence, you can avoid an even heavier financial burden.

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  10. Napísal Vogacoengit, 12. Apríl 2020 20:29:

    Fast Money from a Reliable Enterprise

    Even if you have a constant job with a decent income, unexpected situations happen. It might be an illness that requires an urgent and expensive intervention. Otherwise, it could be an unexpected purchase of a costly item that has been your dream for quite a time and unexpectedly, a wonderful chance to buy it appears. Whatever can occur. And when it occurs, you need money urgently.

    Borrowing money from relatives or friends could be not the most optimal solution. Nevertheless, some people prefer that their close ones do not know about their money struggles or requests. That’s why lending institutions are very useful in such situations.

    Webmoneyloans.com is one of the best financing companies online. Its main advantage is that it issues reliable funds to USA citizens.

    The main advantages of Webmoneyloans.com in comparison with other similar lending institutions are that this organization is:

    Secure: the website is secured with a powerful encryption software. Any of your information is safe. It is a must for any financing enterprise to provide a top-security level for the clients because the institution works with finances and private information of customers. All the data are stored and managed according to the terms provided in the policy of the enterprise. You can review the document online before submitting any data to Webmoneyloans.com;

    Procedures are performed online: when you are asking for a loan from our company, you don’t need to run somewhere, take your documentation, and so on. You don’t need to meet people, sign papers, et. You provide everything online and get money directly to your bank account;

    The application can be provided within some minutes: also check [url=https://webmoneyloans.com/bad-credit-loans/bcl-co]bad credit loans in Colorado[/url] you submit your application within 2-3 minutes. All that you need to do is to fill in the form and send it online. After that, just wait for the company’s decision.

    Get Funds with Minimum of Requirements

    You don’t need to give piles of documentation and proofs to get a loan from our institution. There is a minimum of requirements, and if you comply with them, your loan is almost safe:

    You are required to be full-aged 18 years old minimum;

    You must be a legal resident of the country;

    Valid contact data is a must;

    You need to have a job or another source of constant income;

    An active account in a bank is a must to get your loan.

    The Simplicity of the Application Procedure

    You must not be an expert to apply for money. All you have to do is to send the required documentation to [url=https://webmoneyloans.com/bad-credit-loans/bcl-az]https://webmoneyloans.com/bad-credit-loans/bcl-az[/url] . Around one hour is required to connect you with the lender. Sometimes, your lender might want to see some additional documentation, such as proof of payments from your job.

    And as soon as the decision is made, you and the lender sign an agreement where all the requirements and duties are indicated. Make sure you read the agreement attentively and ensure everything is clear there before signing it.

    Sometimes, a lender may want to know if you don’t have other debts with other lenders. However, if you worry that bad credit history will affect the decision, don’t be too much stressed. In most cases, long-term credits don’t influence the decision of a lender because your payments are secured by your salary.

    All the Issues Shall Be Discussed in Advance

    Sometimes, it turns out that you cannot return the money on time. We know that urgent issues take place, and if you are in one, talk about all the conditions with your lender and notify Webmoneyloans.com. If you just delay the repayment, additional fines and interests will be imposed, and they are very expensive.

    However, if you get in touch with the lender in advance and discuss the problem, you can find an optimal solution for both of you. In most cases, people are understanding, and hence, you can avoid an even more complicated financial burden.

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    And as soon as the decision is made, you and the lender sign an agreement where all the details are indicated. Make sure you read the agreement attentively and check if everything is clear there before signing it.

    Sometimes, a lender might want to know if you don’t have other loans with other lenders. However, if you worry that bad credit history will affect the decision, don’t be too much stressed. In most cases, long-term credits don’t influence the decision of a lender as your payments are guaranteed by your salary.

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